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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 4369    |    Released on: 31/08/2023

he very heavens. Each gleaming skyscraper, a monument to innovation, touched the smog-laden skies, casting long shadows over the bustling streets below. The cit

he city's landscape painted a picture of opulence and prosperity, a testament to the heights of human achievement. Yet, hidden away

elite reveled in luxury amidst the gleaming skyscrapers that pierced the sky. The other was a world of struggle and hardship, where everyday

h of its existence-the shadow of the immortality project. Once hailed as a beacon of hope, a path to eternal l

kyline. What had begun as a promise of salvation had now been twisted into a mechanism of control. The Council's dominion over life-extension technology had solidified their rul

eling the weight of their mortality more acutely in the face of an unreachable promise. The chasm between the privileged and the mar

progress and prosperity, but a story of disparity and defiance. As the city's divisions deepened, as the truth behind th

This figure, concealed by the enigmatic veils of time and possibility, was a silent observer of the grand symphony playing out in the mo

beyond its smog-laden skies. Within the delicate balance of this metropolis, a storm was brewing-an impending clash that crackled with the electric tension of

on of ideologies, a struggle that would define an era. The figure's eyes, pools of undaunted determination, reflected the brilliance of this visio

re not mere spectators; they were catalysts, architects of change who would wield the silent power of influence. The future of the city was a

of both solemnity and anticipation, a recognition of the weight of their role in shaping the events that loomed on the horizon. Their

place, a sentinel of the unseen, a guardian of the yet-to-be. In the realm beyond sight, where destinies converged and diverged, they await

mphony of advertisements. Towering holographic billboards painted the sky with vivid colors, their luminous displays showcasing a visio

gy. The bustling streets that were once crowded with people going about their daily lives transformed into avenues of

ls, united by their unwavering determination to challenge the oppressive rule of the Eternal Council, moved like shadows in the night. The

spirit had not been extinguished. As the citizens navigated the city's bustling thoroughfares, their gazes betrayed a mixture

very air they breathed was charged with promise, an intangible force that pushed them forward, daring them to challenge the status quo. The dichotomy of Lagos-the c

ined, an ever-present reminder that the future hung in the balance. Lagos, with all its complexities and contradictions, st

shadows, sought to dismantle the oppressive regime of the Eternal Council. With their wits and resourcefulness, they had managed to navigate the labyrinth

their clandestine operations. Navigating the labyrinthine streets of Lagos was no small feat, especially under the watchful eyes of the Council's enforcers. But the rebels had mastered the art of subterfuge, employ

the Council's inner workings, piecing together a puzzle that would reveal the chinks in their armor. Ada Sobowale, a relentless investig

faced dire consequences. Yet, they remained unyielding, driven by the hope of freeing Lagos from the shackles of tyranny. They were th

ry of power and influence that defined Lagos. Their journey was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but they remained resolute, ready to f

ives began to unfold, each like a thread in a complex tapestry. The metropolis pulsed with life,

neighborhoods, Ada's insatiable thirst for truth led her down winding paths, often venturing into the heart of danger. Her quest was not merely to uncover secrets; it was a fight to expose the underbelly of a society

ricate networks that held the city together, a digital landscape fraught with hidden agendas and encrypted secrets. Femi's brilliant mind was a double-edged sword, for his skills had drawn the attention of forces bo

esonant and unwavering, became a rallying cry for those who had grown tired of living under the thumb of the Eternal Council. Jidenna's journey was one of self-discovery, born from the embers

he truth, challenge the powerful, and reclaim the city's future from the grasp of oppression. Unbeknownst to them, their destinies were converging, their actions rippling through

its breath, waiting for the crescendo that woul

ty of Awka in Anambra State, Nigeria. Growing up in this close-knit community, Ada's early years we

rs deeply committed to community service, instilled in her a passion for learning and a drive to make a positive impact. As she explored th

e she studied journalism and honed her skills in storytelling and research. Her determination to shed light

, her childhood was steeped in the pursuit of knowledge and a boundless curiosity that set her apart. Growing up in a family of esteemed ed

e bustling metropolis of London, Nneka's mind thrived, and her research delved into the intricate interplay between artificial intelligence and human conscious

volvement in the immortality project was born out of a d

se-knit and resilient family, Jidenna experienced a childhood shaped by the rich cultural tapestry of his surroundings. Growing up in a com

observer, often found engaging in conversations with people from all walks of life. These interactions, along with the storie

instilled in him a profound appreciation for tradition, wisdom, and the interconnectedness of all beings. Mama Ayo's stories

s his ability to rally others and inspire collective action that truly set him apart. Whether it was organizing commun

ce and strong sense of community, Femi's upbringing was marked by a deep connection to his roots and a profound understanding of the societal challenges

. They encouraged him to question the world around him and to seek out knowledge beyond the confines of traditio

books, experiments, and workshops, honing his skills in computer programming and engineering. His talents caught the att

with life and diversity. Growing up in a close-knit family, Segun developed a strong sense of duty and a passion for justice fro

the military. His determination and exceptional skills caught the attention of his superiors, and he quickly rose through the ranks. Se

wcased his strategic brilliance and unwavering resolve. His experiences honed his skills as a tacticia

his years of service. He met and fell in love with Sherifat, a fellow officer with a strong sense of justice and a

's dedication to his family was as fierce as his commitment to his duty. He strived to impart the same values of integr

a brilliant scientist and visionary. As part of the immortality project, Dr. Olujimi embarked on a groundbreaking endeavor to create an AI consciousness capable of simulat

ng. Designed to assist with complex tasks related to the immortality project

rn and raised in the bustling city of Lagos, Emeka grew up in a close-knit family that valued education, integrity, and communit

into a prominent activist and leader in the fight for justice and equality. Born and raised in the serene town of Remo, loca

tists themselves, recognized her artistic talents from a young age and encouraged her to explore various forms of creative expressi

ed her to both the marvels of technological advancement and the underlying societal issues that plagued its inhabitants. Inspired by the injustices

ght-provoking creations that resonated with a small but dedicated audience. Her uni

ge field of biotechnology. His exceptional intellect and dedication earned him a position within the im

a tapestry woven with privilege, family legacy, and an unquenchable hunger for influence. Akinwande's parents, esteemed figures in local politics, paved the way for

in the circles of social and political elites, each relationship a steppingstone towards expanding his network and fur

e landscape of local governance, leveraging his family's connections to rise through the ranks. However, the weight of his family's legacy s

me adversity. Raised in the vibrant city of Somolu, his early years were characterized by challenges that ignited a fire within him to rise above his

s that ranged from trading goods to investing in real estate. His ventures flourished, driven by his keen sense of ma

ationships, for Opadamola, were avenues to connections that could elevate his position. This single

xperience. The prose is imbued with a meticulous blend of dark, atmospheric elements and vivid imagery, fostering a sense of bleak anticipation and burgeoning rebellion

of technological marvels contrast with the desolation of the cityscape, presenting an eerie interplay between innovation and decay. The tone oscillate

unspoken fears. Dialogue is sharp, mirroring the urgency of the rebels' cause while echoing their resolute determination. Characters are given

oughout, immersing readers in the sights, sounds, and scents of the grim metropolis and the hideouts of rebellion. Through the Third-Person Limited Omniscient per

pers of dissent to the rallying cries of rebellion. The author's prose mirrors the ebb and flow of hope and despair, ca

mploys a vivid and atmospheric style. This creates a narrative tapestry where characters' struggles, ho

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