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Breaking Mr Pierce

Chapter 4 Desire

Word Count: 2235    |    Released on: 02/09/2023

matter whatever promotion I offer her, she is satisfied with being my personal receptionist. The woman is kind and generous beyond anything but she is also freakishly scared of me all the time. T

at me from Reece, her eyes twinkling with recognition. "Good morning, Mr. Pierce." She beams at me, walking three steps until she is craning her neck to look at my face. "Here's your coffee and here's your schedule for today." She hands me the Starbucks cup and opens the folder. Her hands shake as she balances the file on one palm, flipping through it hurriedly. From the corner of my eye, I see my brother's eyes moving down her body in a ludicrous way. He notices me watching and throws in a smirk "Miss. Gold..." I clear my throat, making our new employee gaze up at me from the folder. "Yes, Mr. Pierce?" "You're late." I repeat. She blinks, her eyes flickering to my brother again before settling on me. "I'm not, Mr. Pierce." she says, shutting the file as she stands with her determination firm on her face. "You must be mistaken." I take a look at my watch and lift my wrist to show her what I am seeing. "It's nine o'clock, Miss. Gold. You were supposed to be here fifteen minutes earlier." She narrows her eyebrows, her full lips twisting to a soft frown. "I was half an hour early, Mr. Pierce. I came even before you did," she informs. "I didn't have the ID so they stopped me at the gate and then stopped me again from entering here. After confirming with your manager, Mr. Khan, I was told to start my task asap by bringing you your coffee and entering your schedule neatly in this file. Only then was I allowed to enter here." We all stand in silence. Even Martha's clicking on the keyboard stops as she stares at the girl while lifting her glasses over her nose. I do the same, adjusting my glasses and then trying hard to maintain my scowl at her. "You should have sent Khan to inform me of your arrival, Miss. Gold, instead of being so irresponsible." "Irresponsible?" she repeats in disbelief. "Did you really expect me to fight with your manager on my first day itself? What kind of reputation would I have had if I didn't give him the respect he deserves for working with someone like you?" "Someone like me?" "Yes,she begins." "Managing an obnoxious, unpleasant and absolutely self-possessed billionaire must be quite the task for him every day. By the way you behave with people, you need to…oh wait a minute.." She stops and turns to my brother before continuing. "Mr. Pierce, I suppose you're one too……Does the company policy state anything against voicing our opinions against our bosses?" Reece looks at me with a wry smile before he focuses his attention on her. "Nothing of that sort, Miss. Gold. May I introduce myself, however." He takes a step towards her and extends his hand for her to shake. "I'm Reece Pierce. I'm the twin of this jerk here. I hope you and I will get to see more of each other." My nerves flare when I see Miss. Gold blush before she takes his hand and gives a shake. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Pierce." "Just Reece will do," he corrects her. "I myself am an employee of my brother. I'm the draftsperson.' "Oh." Miss. Gold looks impressed, not bothering that my brother hasn't let go of her hand still. "In that case, you can call me Emma too. That's my name." Reece smiles. "Nice to meet you, Emma." As they stare at each other, I am left even more irritated than before. "Enough." I break the abysmal conversation, pulling my brother back by his arm and letting him let go of Miss. Gold's hand. "Follow me, Emma. Let me give you a tour." She murmurs an apology to Reece as she struts after me. I open the door to my office and hold it open until she steps in. Giving my brother one last glare, I shut the door behind us. Facing Miss. Gold, I find her holding her folder against her chest as she looks around the room. From here, I can't help but follow the light from the glass wall behind when it shines over the curve of her bar

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