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Taming Her Popular Husband

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1096    |    Released on: 01/09/2023

e and then, Kristen stepped out. Natalie could be seen standing there waiting f

ekends always looks like forever to me." Nat

ass when Natalie spoke up. "So, I'm all ears Baby doll. Tell me about your weekend. I'm alm

ughing at her friend

n said. Natalie had on a puzzled look as she ran her eyes all over Natalie's body. She wa

of the hand as she left

ten? Not just any ring, but a dia

friend was gonn

ten dropped the bomb. Natalie couldn't believe he

lie suddenly asked afte

lie." Kris

boyfriend anymore or did you and Axel come back together and you

nd was already. Axel was Kristen's Ex boyfriend and they'd to broke up because Kristen wasn't ready to

dating someone else and you didn't inform me about it, Kristen." Na

at the so many questio

med. The whole marriage process was done behind my back and I only got to see the groom at the Marriage reception.

ch a thing?" Natalie asks as sh

and the only way to seal the deal, is for the son and daughter of

y the Xander's family?

plied knowing her friend was alr

sons so, which of the sons was asked to get married to you?" N

the moment the name left her mouth, Natal

rried to a celebrity? California ladies sweet

one staring at me." Kristen said as she began star

is is good news." Natalie said as she's try

ct me to cope with him? He's a celebrity and we all know ho

both would come to love each other as time goes on." Nat

yesterday being our wedding night. I'm sure he's with one of his

s supposed to have make you his last night." Natalie grumble

pulling your legs." Natalie burst out laug

oth get along, Krist

ut with Harry but, I quite afraid to go out with

be scared. I'm sure everything would be fine." Nata

Bella rushed to Axel's classroom. She sat on his lap

Axel asks staring

ssion with her best friend Natalie." Bella said. Axel sig

say nothing other than go

ow how his butt left his seat. Most of the students were staring at him in surprise due to his swif

t me. I thought you're over her so, why

er into his arms but, his mind wasn't there anymore. he just d

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