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Author: Nina Rose


Word Count: 2571    |    Released on: 02/09/2023


He caught them to his chest, and she began pushing him out of the room in just his underpants. "Jemima listen, I love you and... "And you're mad!" She shot, finally pushing him out of the room. She closed the door and flipped her hair before slipping her sleeping robe down her slim but curvy body. Her uniquely enchanting shape is one of the many things that made her popular besides her face and company, she's really beautifully carved. She put on her bathrobe and smirked. "Love after a nightstand?, men are jokes" she muttered and entered the bathroom. She came out an hour later, and as expected, Dolores lay her dress on the bed already. Dolores is the housemaid, and at the same time, her daughter's nanny. Jemima took her time dressing up, and when she was done, she stood in front of the mirror and smiled at her perfection. Beauty, curves, brains and tallness, what else could she ask for? Absolutely nothing, she's the most perfect person living. She walked out of the room


you the reply to that when I come back, I'm f**king late already, I have to go" Cypress replied when she finished buttoning up "You're not taking breakfast?" Granny Suzy blinked. "You want me to get fired?" Cypress pouted. "Then just one potato" granny Suzy quickly shoved one into her mouth. "Thanks granny! I love you!" She shouted, rushing out of the house. "Wait and give me a ride!" Maxwell shouted and stood. Granny Suzy shoved a potato ball into his mouth too " Why do you love giving us potatoes every morning?" He asked as he ate cutely, his cheeks bulging with the potato. "It helps the br


atiana's mum, so basically, Tatiana and Jemima are age mates. Tatiana badly wants to be the CEO in place of Jemima, but she's not as brilliant as Jemima, and that's why chairman made her the general manager instead. She's Jemima's greatest enemy, and it's mutual. She gave the usual annoying smile before coming forward, blocking Jemima's way. "I see you came late to work again" "I'm the CEO, isn't that a given" Jemima replied confidently. "Are you really fit to be the CEO? You f**k men like a whore, I'm scared for the future of Skyline" Tatiana said, getting her phone. She showed Jemima a picture of how Landon was coming out of her mansion this morning. "Two nights ago, it was Justus Halifax, the politician, and last night it was Landon Farley, the business tycoon, aren't you ashamed?" Tatiana smirked, and Jemima came closer. "If you badly wanna become the CEO, then spying on me won't do, it's a waste of your worthless time" she said. "What!" Tatiana's eyes widened. "Yeah, I f**k the c**ks I want with no strings attached cos I never claim what's not mine" Jemima continued, leaning in to Tatiana's ear. "Not ev


nline. "I hate him" Warren muttered beside Maxwell. Maxwell was about to reply when another person came in. CleoSpeedy! The only female swimmer here, the s*xy vixen in bikini! She's got everything to make a lady hot, and almost all the guys have a crush on her. As expected, she's as proud as f**k! She's on same level as Lincoln with handful of followers too. Maxwell went mute as he stared at her. She was making a live stream on her IG as she walked. All the guys in there has wide mouths as they stared, it's always the case. "So, you can stare too" Lincoln suddenly said , appearing in front of Maxwell. Maxwell faced him slowly. "I can't?" He said. "She's expensive, obviously made for me, so you should get your eyes off her, you can go to your granny's bar to serve instead, poor thing" Lincoln smirked ar


t the man. "He's Don Williams, the owner of Savage Textiles who joined the club last month" secretary Lina said beside her. "Do I look like I care? He can't be old, blind and stupid at a time!" Jemima yelled. Williams only smiled without a word, and that even annoyed her more. "Yunno what? Party cancelled for tonight! My mood is ruined!" She shouted and stormed out of the hall into her car. Immediately she entered, an unfriendly odour hit her nose, and her eyes widened. "The hell! What's this smell!" "I'm so sorry ma'am, I must have eaten too much, I...I.. farted" the driver said, and her eyes widened. "What! Farted in my car?" Before he could get it, she slapped him hard across the face, and his nose bled. "Out of my car! You're fired!" She yelled, and he scurried out fast, running off. Jemima came out of the car too, fanning herself as she inhaled fresh air. "Throw out the car" she told secretary Lina. "Yes ma'am!" She replied, and another car arrived for her immediately, but no driver to drive. "I'll call a designated driver" Lina smiled, getting her phone to call one. She was still making the call when Jemima felt something drop from her p*ssy into her pants, her period! She quickly checked her bag for pad, but none is available, and that was when the designated driver ar

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