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The Boss of Little Arcady


Word Count: 2209    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ned, sued the town of Little Arcady for ten thousand dollar damages to his person and announced his candidacy at the ensuing election for the honorable office of Judge of Slocum C

eaders, who thought by this means to draw votes from the Republican candidate to the advantage of thei

unthinkable that Potts could deteriorate ten thousand dollars worth and still walk the earth. Indeed, he believed, and utt

and to address him on Main Street in tones that lacked the least affectation of suavity or diplomatic guile. He had seen diplomacy tri

you to git out of town on," he burst forth to

of Westley's coat. "The worst of it is I had over twelve dollars of my own money that I'd saved up-

g immediate violence upon the person of Potts. At all events, this view was taken by the aggrieved and puzzled Colonel, who fled through the Boston Cash Store and, by means of a rear exit from that emporium, gained the office of Truman Baird, J

to refrain from "in any manner of attacking or molesting the said Potts, against the statu

wise, he abode grimly by the statutes therein made and provided. Nevertheless he returned to his shop and proceeded to cut up a quarter of beef with an energy of concentration and a ruthlessness of fury that caused Potts to shudder as he passed the door sometime later. By such demeanor, also, were the bondsmen of Westley-the first flush of their righteous enthusiasm fa

nd gooey and git Potts on the ground and make a believer of him right there and then!" This he followed by his pointed reflection upon the administra

editor of the Argus was frankly derided. He was a Boss at whom they laughed open

k contained the fol


ot slipped and he was precipitated into the chilling waters of the mill-race at a point where the city fathers have allowed it to remain uncovered. Seeing their victim plunged into a watery grave, as they thought, the thugs took to their heels. The Colonel extricated himself from his perilous plight, by dint of herculean strength, and started to pursue them, but they had disappeared from sight in the vicinity of

tely that he had planned to leave Little Arcady. It looks now like certain busybodies in this community had over-stepped themselves and been hoisted

d be used upon Potts to the advantage of almost every one concerned. But in the minds of others of us an agonized suspicion no

before taking the candidacy of Potts seriously. In the next issue o

his is so; and that the pretensions of a certain individual in our midst to

Potts. As testimony that the best citizens of the town were not involved with this infamous ring, it had extorted from Colonel Potts his consent to print certain letters from these gentlemen setting forth

ce-a series of laudations which the Cheva

but he was rather disappoi

g, we think, on some action of Weed's, "I like cool things, of ordinary dimensions-an iceberg or a glacier; but this arctic circle of coagulation appalls credulity and paralyzes indignation. Hence my numbness!" Hence, also, our own numbness. But, though Speech l

e foundations of one by his magnificent hospitality on that day of days. His whilom serfs were men no

y the graces of his spirit; and he copiously promised deeds which should in the years to come be as a beauteous garment to his memory. The glaive of Jus

rals, and common decency met with the voter's approval, he would be gratified to have his good-will and assistance. "It is such gentlemen as yourself," read the letter, "constituting the best element of our society,

s unlighted cigar viciously, and from the corner of his trap-like mouth spoke evil of Potts in a voice that was terrifying for its hoarseness. His own letter, among the others, told of Potts as one who sprang to arms at his country'

ommunicate it. Mayne and the rest of us were compelled to tak

s, that gallant old war-horse." Across the top of its fron

with a single-heartedness that left him few sober moments. Upon the City Hotel corner, day after day, he buttonholed voters and whispered to

fident, but, alas! still inactive so far as we could observe. I may say that we lost faith in him as the ba

a popular diversion to enter the establishment of the ever serious Westley Keyts and whisper secretively

ld be his response as he

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