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Rot and Dumb

Rot and Dumb


Chapter 1 The Photographer

Word Count: 3637    |    Released on: 05/09/2023

n here since 11:30 a.m. and it was now 12:50. When was the show going to start? He imagined himself sitting here just to w

of remorse. It was unfair considering the fo

ion suddenly multifaceted as he recalled the actual reason he was seated there. His senior coverage staff that usually covered such events had recently developed a depression problem on account of family issues and had showed up for work looking awkward and tattered, this morning. Kent had sent him home with an aggressive warning that if he didn’t sort out

his vexation, he looked towards the left exit of the auditorium, wondering if he h

vy face. Her physique was elegant and her complexion ebony. She was slim fitted, not skinny thin like most of the models he would be looking at later today. She possessed well rounded feminine curves in the right places. All to

around. But he was so engrossed in what he was seeing such that for some moments it had appeared that everything had stopped. He wondered if he was the only one that saw her. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and realiz

she be one of the models? She had to be

haracteristic self-awareness that would be expected of young beautiful ladies. Scores of beautiful women of his acquaintance would have stood there decked up like peacocks till the attention of more than half of the spectators and gue

in front of him. From where he sat, he could only afford a side view of her face. He took advantage of the view. He wondered again who she was. She was obviously not one of the models or she would have been behind stage. He felt it was a shame. He would

ct color. They seemed dark and at that instant, those eyes were trying to freeze him with an icy stare. Involuntarily, he shrank aback from that cold stare, and then he co

esently the show started, and the models filed down the catwalk. He soon forgot the ice queen in the next row, as he got himself busy

a teenager, when a warm hearted old man had allowed him spend mos

round the neighborhood shops. Most shop owners had been wary of his likes of kid, but this old man, Mr. Amaechi had taken a liking to him, allowing him to come into his camera store whenever he felt like coming. He had loved spending most of his time in the shop and would run errands for the old man. So

a reporter for a small newspaper, but he was too unruly for such job. He hated being instructed on what kind of news he was to cover and how to cover it. So, he left for freelancing. He would go wherever there was a story and compile reports accompanied by pictures. That was how his pictures came into recognition. His pictures undoubtedly to

ct he would cover in the next issue, but they kept on buying because they knew that whatever the subjects, they would get the worth of their purchase. Ch

ie looked around the auditorium to steal a glimpse of this beauty, but she was nowhere to be found. He sighed. He would

as in the office with her personal assistant, Aisha, when one of the girls in the office brought an envelope from Rising Sun. the envelope contained l

e a blunt grin after looking at them. “Madam Genevieve, I

She wasn’t aware of any possible c

uture. Now, there was none of such grouping. Instead, the designs were displayed randomly on the basis of color schemes and matching backgrounds. The entire effect was one of enchanting d

asked Aisha. “

ut who did,” Genevieve said. “Could y

e had an appointment with her beautician, and she wanted to be there before someone else took her place. “No, you handle it Aisha, I’m almost late f

e for some minutes. Genevieve was busy gathering her things getting ready to leave, when Aisha stopped

y understand the English? Did you tell them I sai

am. You heard me. But they

phone,” Gen

on on the other end. Aisha watched keenly as her face

there right now,

ew Avenue that housed the offices of Rising Sun magazine. And her anger was not pacified as she took the elevator up to t

come about some mix ups with the layouts of the fashion show. She was directed to a door set apart from th

prise. Her expression of surprise was centered on the face o

s since the day he saw her last floating down an aisl

had stared so hard that she had felt the stare. And when she had finally turned around, he had had the audacity to

re to for my design layouts due to be


been some mix up with the layouts which I wouldn’t accept. It seems

. “I wondered who you were that day. I thought you were one

vieve showed extravagancy in return. S

” Genevieve said. “Wh

ob. “Yes, the GOs,” he said. “There wasn’t an

roval?” Genevieve enquired angrily. This man’s non

an clearly see that the designs

ter, so he quickly changed something from the usual format it had been for some

ike the old layout. So, if you cou

n’t do that, it’

ever way I need them to be, that’s the way they should be! Who are you to refuse? And who are you by the way? W

here,” he said calmly. “Charlie Achufuiwe, Chairma

arlie Achufuiwe? The Charlie Achufuiwe? “Since when doe

s a photographer,

nd you happen to cover the ass

t the circumsta

iness. She was here to find out why he was busy interfering with her own busines


t’s the problem with you?” she asked. “It is my designs we’re discuss

ey are my pictures and magazines.

u’ve already decided to do what you want to do anyway, why s

I wanted you

xasperation. “Anyway, thank you v


juru, Genevieve, do you mind if I call you Genevieve?” he asked, and then, continued witho

nd discuss anything with this annoying fellow. What was the need? She got the

it, speaking at the same time. “It’s Mrs. Obiajuru.” She did

e no indication. “Now, let’s

desk. Charlie got up and came over to her side of the desk to stand

ed hips, round, fleshy behinds and such. Some even went for eyes. Eyes? Well, to each man his choice! Women also had their own peculiar tastes. Genevieve for her part was a hands woman. She loved beautiful hands on a man. Beautiful but not effeminate; they had to be masculine, but with slender and well-shaped fingers, and cleanly cut nails, not manicured though. It was really weird, but for her, nice hands equated being a good lover. She couldn’t explain that either. She recalled that in her younger days, there

she had appeared to float in the auditorium. Mixed with the smell of her shampoo, the tender fragrance around her was heady and so intoxicating. He had a

pushed back her chair and stood up. “I understand you may have a point, b

almost immediately. “Look, Genevieve, why don’t we reach a compromise? Let go of this issue and let’s watch the respons

mpromise on her side. After all, what did she have to lose? If it did well, it will onl

r. Achufuiwe. We’ll do it

” he said

e simply stood. “Goodbye Mr. Cha

t except for one notable fault. She was cold, the real ice maiden, and not even a maiden. She was a married woman. “Mrs. Genevieve O

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