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Whispers Across Time

Chapter 10 The Temporal Revelation

Word Count: 636    |    Released on: 08/09/2023

remained unbroken. Eli, Soriah, and The Temporal Thief gathered in a secluded ch

, our journeys through time have been both perilous and enlightening. Yet, y

and intrigue, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the time has

ith the very fabric of time. Born from a secret society dedicated to safeguarding time's secrets,

ge and ensure that it did not fall into the wrong hands. Our mission was to s

h a sense of gratitude. "Your knowledge and guidance have been invaluable t

to earn the knowledge of time, to comprehend its intricacies, and to demonstrate their responsibi

guardian who had silently observed the rise and fall o

inquired, "Do you have any insights

, we can ensure that time remains secure. I shall share with you the know

d the hidden wisdom they had gathered over centuries. They discussed the intricacies of the Tim

them. They discussed strategies to protect the timeline from disruptions, the importance of

dication to preserving time's integrity. They were custodians of time, and the weight of

e that time remained untouched by those who sought to manipulate it for personal gain,

sense of fulfillment. "Our alliance remains unbreakable. Together,

echoes of time would continue, marked by challenges and discoveries. They were custodians of time, bound

ready to face whatever temporal challenges lay ahead, knowing that their allianc

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