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The Canadian Commonwealth

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1404    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

men-the choice sons of the land-to be pounded into pulp in an Imperial war? Who can doubt the tie is real, when bishops' sons, bankers', lawyers', doctors', farmers', carpenters', teachers' and preach

-which President Taft failed to understand-is: Canada is not drifting because she is sheet-anchored and gripped to the Mother Country. We may like it or dislike it. We may dispute and argue round about. The fact remains, without any screaming or flag waving, or postprandial loyalty expansions of rotund oratory and a rotunder waist line-Canada is sheet-anchored to England by an invisible, intangible, almost indescribable tie. Tha

and did not see her way out. If only the Chamberlain scheme of a tariff against the world, free trade within the empire, could have evolved into practical politics, Canada for purely practical reasons would have welcomed Imperial Federation. It would have given her exports a wonderful outlet. B

the terrace above the river talking

ration?" asked the Engli

finitude. "Why should we want Imperial Federation?" he answered. "We have an empire the size of Europe, whose problems we must work out. Why should Canadians

pro-loyalty. Rather was there a grave recognition of the colossal burden of helping a nation the area of Europe to wo

know Canadians whose swelling lip-loyalty is a sort of Gargantuan thunder. It may be observed

Americanizing influences," apologized a pro-loyalist of the lip-flunkey variety to t

turned and looked the

r Americans is good en

orthwest a few years ago. The royal train had arrived at some little western place, where a contingent of the Mounted Police was to act as escort for the Prince's entourage.

rived," gasped the little secretary, almost apoplectic wit

t the little secretary's ear. "Get the baggage off yourself! We're not here as porters.

the men could hardly be held within bounds of official orders. He is of the very class of men who have forsaken gainful occupations in the We

cknowledges some fat king sitting on a throne chair like a m

all republics." He drew a five-dollar bill from his pocket. "As a piece of paper that is utterly worthless," he explained. "It isn't even good wrapping paper. It'

and the Canadian couldn't answer. It roused and held his

ther principle of which law and justice were but the visible formula. He might easily have dilated on excellent features of the Canadian parliamentary system different from the United States or Germany. For instance, no party can hold office one day after it lacks the support of a majority vote. It must resign reins to the other party, or go to the country for re-election. Or he might have pointed to the very excellent feature of Cabinet Ministers sitting in the House and being directly responsible to Commons and Senate for the manage

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