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Chapter 3ย  โœฎ(๐“๐“ผ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ถ๐“ช ๐“น๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ฒ๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ฝ)โœฎ

Word Count: 2859 ย ย ย |ย ย ย  Released on: 16/09/2023

so confused, they didn't know what to do. What if they intervene and land in the same fate as Winter? "Hey! Hey! That's enough!" Brandon intervened, holding Harmony bac

trying to calm down her nervousness before knocking on the door. "Come in" Juliet slowly went in. "Good morning sir... You called for me" Juliet said. "Juliet Watkins, please have a seat" He said and she did so. "So you must be wondering on why I called you over.. Well there's a wealthy CEO, a friend of mine who contacted us asking for a personal bodyguard.. Specifically a female bodyguard and amongst all the other you're the most competent to do the job so I'm appointing you under him" He said and Juliet's eyes widened. "You.. You.. Mean I'll be working now as a personal bodyguard? For real?" She stuttered and the man nodded. Her eyes brightened... Since she started working under the company they've been appointing her for temporal jobs like escorting important personalities but now she'll be having a stable task, that means she'll be earning more money. "Thanks so much boss! You don't know how happy I am!" Juliet stood up and bowed, showing how grateful she was "It's nothing... You'll be starting work now. Here's the name of his company, go there and meet him" The CEO handed a card to Juliet who took it. "Thank you sir. I'll be on my way now" Juliet said and turned to leave. "One more thing! Please, exercise patience with him" The CEO said. Juliet didn't understand what he meant but he just smiled and nodded before leaving. The CEO sighed "I don't know who I should be worried about... For her or for Romeo" โ†โ€ขโ†โ€ขโ†โ€ขโ† Juliet got down the cab then looked at the address card before looking at the big company in front of her. "It's here" She thought and looked at herself, fixing her bodyguard suit before advancing to the company She walked in and one of the workers led her to the CEO's office. She fixed her tie properly "I hope I make a good impression. It's my salary we're talking about" She thought before knocking. "Come in" She walked in and her eyes widened when she saw who it was. It was none other than Romeo Rodriguez, Angelo's uncle "Who are you?" He asked with a serious look on his face. From his face, one won't even think he's 30. He was sitting gallantly on his swivel chair, few buttons of his shirt was left loose with a golden necklace worth millions resting on his chest. The serious look on his face even made him look more handsome. A smile spread on Juliet's face. She was not smiling because of his looks but because of the money she'll be earning. If she'll be working for a Rodriguez, one of the richest family in town then she'll earn cool cash. "I'm your new personal bodyguard sir.. Juliet Watkins" She said politely. Romeo hit his hand angrily on the table, startling Juliet "Can't believe that man! I told him I wanted my personal bodyguard to be s*xy. Big b**bs and ร ss,, what is this! All I'm seeing in front of me is a man with a p**sy" Romeo exclaimed angrily and Juliet gasped. Anger slowly began rising in her. Never in her life has she been insulted like this. A man with a p**sy?! He called her a man with a p**sy!! Juliet folded her fists tightly. Now she understands why her CEO said she should exercise patience. Romeo stood and walked to her, stopping in front of her. Juliet looked up at his face since he was way taller than her. Romeo smirked. "Well I do have to admit.. You look pretty, just a bit though" Romeo said, walking behind her. He crawled his finger on her body, tracing it from her back going downward. Juliet kept adding pressure on her folded fists, trying to suppress her anger which kept rising. Romeo spanked her butt and squeezed it, her eyes widened. "Well it's kinda soft though" He muttered. That was it. Juliet lost it, she grabbed his hand and flipped him over her back. He crashed heavily on the table "Argh!!" Romeo cried out. Juliet grabbed his collar and began punching his face. "You f**king bastard!! Who do you think I am!! A whรณre you can lay your hands on whenever you want! F*ck the salary but I'm killing you before I leave this office" Juliet shouted, raining punches on his face. "Help!! Security!! Help!! Help!!" Romeo screamed. โ†โ€ขโ†โ€ขโ†โ€ขโ† A car pulled up in front of the grocery store and Chance got down the car. He entered the store and smiled when he saw who always comes here for "Here's what you ordered... That'll be 150$" A cute girl smiled, her round check bulging out as she served a lady then the next one. Chance couldn't help but smile more at how cute she looked. It's been almost three months now that he keeps coming here just to stare at her.. They recently became friends and since then he always drops her home. The girl turned to his side and when she saw him, she smiled more. "Hey Chance!" She waved and Chance smiled then waved back. "Wassup Tasha?" Chance smiled. "Give me few minutes, I'll be done soon" Natasha smiled and faced back the customer. Chance walked out and leaned on his car, waiting for her. Few minutes later she walked out. "Done with my last part time job of the day!" Tasha smiled. "I'm really grateful for you coming everyday to drop me off.. I hope it's not really a bother to you" Tasha pouted. "Not really, it makes me happy doing

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