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My Lovely Maid


Word Count: 2782    |    Released on: 17/09/2023

porarily, staggerin

s, she didn’t get herself,

o much that they almost p

st happ

d coming back to her senses bit by bit, and


she faced Alfred who was st

rned them to Rita who was just st

o f**king red as if chilli

s Kristen herself as their

ook changed into an amused one, then in another minute, she

n she suddenly stopped, and the usual mean look

r and smiled devilishly, sendi

u have no right to stop working in this house, in fact, you’re hired for l

n without looking at Alfred,

me?, What did I just do… K

hear of this, e

squ-atted beside her, and she s

said, and she looked up s

lirty but handsome

at you did it for me, don’t worry I’ll protect

to be hopeful, but it’s d

er hope c

gly, he brou-ght his hand to her hair and stroked

again befo

al for four” he said, a

feet, and she almost f

said, and she

letting go of her arm,

, and thanks to her fastness, s

food, then she waited for the

o rush down, adjusting

essed up in

, and Kristen blinked as h

st” she said, and he

e a meeting to catch up with,


e afternoon ok?, Just keep m

but you

and, get it from my room, and take

d with a light smile, but the smile disappeared when

e entered when she

car, need to

sandra repl

the chairs, and Kristen started serving her foo

side of her face, and Kris

nd your root


ouse, and Rocky is your master” Ri

holding fell from her,

wly, and she h

t won’t be fun, and that’s why I’m planning to tell Rocky. I’m gonna pay him bil

on her knees, claspin

o have slapped you that way, i swear I wasn’t thinking. Give me any other punishment but n

ing poor vulnerable people beg h

n she grabbed her neck with her left palm befo

infully, and water came o

Byram!, You think it’s a joke that my father is the richest in Italy?, You think it’s a joke that I rul

rom the nose, and Rita smi

and started coughing,

just the start” Rita said and picked her purse

ng there, holding her n

chool gate, and he came out, then walked to the

green and white school uniform, hi

e, bad boy”

pick me, I don’t want to wait l

y never lies yun

” Bright

are you kidding m

ay back, then my lolli-pop box is empty alrea

to get everything when I come to

” Bright replied,

now go ace your class agai

y!” He

Abel laughed as he walked into

iness” Abel smiled,

ot down from his car in front of the magnific

elonged to his late father, Craig Keys who

but he’s one of the top te

r twenty private clubhouses over the c

ng was a per


n bowed from the midst o

asked, walking into the company w

e, so they can go on with the project” the hitman replied, and

s is on screen, singing in a conc

as he watched her, and

that TV”

an replied as he en

Thanks to the address Alfred wrote, sh

e city, and no single sound

e saw the coldest face she has ever

e hu

a maid for the Jenkins, Mr

ish, he walked away,

lowly, shutting

od flask on the available t

as she has imagined, and

ok shelf, the dinning ha


she saw a board, and

s actually drawing a peach tr

s so well” she

it, then she picked his pe

n appeared and snatched it

things, and you can go” he

id awkwardly before walki

opened the door,

ned, but before she could talk, she push

aid as she walked to

the hug i

nd came back, you should allow a

u here?” Cl

play with you… Happy now?” She smil

ed and pocke

Beyonce is another close fri

actually ran away from home to avo

sn’t been able to find him, thanks to Beyonce who g

y changed into elastic short

this way” Clinton sai

rawing, but she hug

she kis-sed his nec

picked the food package, t

today, pleeaasee” Beyonce

that’s taking her back home wh

said immediately she picked, a

me out, she saw hi

ays easy to locate her, and that’s why he wa

and she quickly brou-ght

gave him, his ey

razily, throwing up the pack and a

problem, but if you make mistakes and get fired…

his husky breaths filled with the ste

he said, pulling her


rstand” she

essing room, smiling as she choose

ssions already,

o she’d go see Marcel, the love of

t short gown, then blac

who’s behind her with

said, referring to t

hoose, it’s an order from the CEO, you ca

dforsaken dress from GLITTERADO?” Rita repl


like a darn farmer in a photo?, Come off if please!, If they can’t accept what I choose then t

as to do this photoshoot”

r her, but she didn’t wait,

l do it” Tamara said from the m

ce you love leftovers so much!”

should have wiped you

st not your thing,

but you’re abusing that privilege” T

nce upon a time. F**k

️ Wh

!” Rita shouted, grabb

abbed her hair too,


car, and he checked the condoms in h

the living room, s

or her till he got to her room and h

is” he chuckled as he entere

nd put on one of the c

hell out of her hole since he saw

lowly , and she’s truly u

ed the

g water is drown

and grabbed her from b

o t

nd anyways, I’m only concerned about the p*ss

the voice of Ri

but the water on their bodies made all her effor

!!!!” She screamed as he grabbed

!, No!!!!

at eight started flowing into her head

’t happe

Marcel away, but immediately she took two

hard!” He laughed, hitt

r, and her li

rabbing his d**k madly t

it hard,

ed, but he was quick

lled her up fast, trapping her arms b


s f**king hard, holding her arms tight while widening her

immediately, and

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