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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 930    |    Released on: 17/09/2023

ace and tied her long hair up into a ponytail. Her eyes went to the locket around her neck and s

n Japan with their parents, until their mother died and their father dragged them to America to start a new life

she had of her parents, inside

re you

walking out of the bathroom and into the hallway where she met Rai

you up once I'm done at the school," Raiden said a

ive off into their new town. Tai stared out of the window, observing the new place that they were n

do you

it's not

a nice town, a safe t

you, Rai. I know you wouldn't ha

personality" Raiden teased and Tai rolled her eyes and shove

d smiled sweetly at Raiden just as he stopp

s, climbing out of the car. She waved to Raiden over her shoulder and made h

f food in her hand and waving it manically in front of the scanner. "Blasted till," the girl scolded. "Get a job at the supermarket they said. You'll enjoy it, they said!" The girl narro

d walked up to the girl, r

ked up at Alice as she started to pu


not creepy, it's just that this town is quite sma


Alice wondered as she s

y come off as friendly when she first met people. She wasn't a mean person, she just didn't trust easily a

st curious," A

ul when her phone rang. She reached into her pocket and

i rolled her eyes at his chip


Monday!" He said

ed. "I'm fine with not graduating, I'm more th

no excuses, Tai. I'm on my way back t

mbled and hung up on Raiden, shovi

h school?" Alice wondered and

ropper," Tai noted and Alice

I just o

being a bitch. Sorry, I'm jus

red at the packet of cheese in her hand. "Wh

rows. "You're scann

the cheese aside. "Well, I'm sure I'l

," Tai said s

be small, but that doesn't mean it won't feel like

tly. "I'll conside

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