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Damian's Obsessions

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 21/09/2023

but someone locked t

!!!" I scre

his seat and watched t

e out!!!" I s

cause no one will come for you." He

banging on the door u

im in fear. He had a pi

e something that can shut you

" I asked mustering the li

nt o t her than your life?" He asked cold

so I did the only thing I could

what made me do what I did." I clasped m

first before he bursted

ed to the tigress that attacke

I can do now. I'm in his territory so I c

hivered when I he

." I mutter

ning after scaring you a little but after the stunt you pulled, I

bout what happened. I won't even report to the police. I swear...

held it up so I could

ld listen to you?" He asked, amu

w the trouble you have lande

tered as I tried in vain to

me this morning so should I just let you go like t

streamed down my face. This is it,

othing I my name. I haven't ev

as mistaken because the tears made my ey

eased his tight hold on my hair and mass

l you." He muttered as he wiped my tears car

I asked

hange his mind?"

kill you but as from

I asked

hing has gone l

rom today onwards, you'

want that??" I as

rprised but he chanfed

no choice

's leaving here unscathed." I d

f what I might do to you if you don't stop running that pretty

to do the impossible. There's no way I'm ever

can easily kill you here and no

g my morals trampled on by him repeatedly. You can kill me if y

He asked i

red, surpised

new idea on how to purnish

king about?" I as

!!" He called out and two hef

u doing?" I

into this club. You don't have a choice baby because you are al

d to escape but th

p her in the best room. Feed her and clothe her well. Nothing sh

ged me out while I struggled to

y face with a black clothe took me


ly as they took th

as a new pet." One of t

hing while I go tell everything we saw here to the boss." The s

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