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Chapter 3 DAMN IT

Word Count: 1565    |    Released on: 22/09/2023

inish it promptly because he will be checking it today," Stevan said as he


or the next few days. Please check and pay attention to it," this ti

y, m

ist of investors you need


ng. She roughly placed the stack of documents she was carry

knew as the CEO intentionally seemed to annoy her. Just becomi

like this? Ugh! Isn't this too much? How am I supposed to finish this

felt that what her new boss had assigned her this morning was incredibly f

e intercom on her desk suddenly buz

y office r

berly replied, and with reluctant steps

r engrossed in reading neatly o

have such a good-looking child like you. Especially when you're so serious like you

in front of her and then asked, "I

he office," Nicholas said without taking his


his arms across his chest. "Why? Is t

t you just instruct me to finish all these

What's the problem now? Are you protes

ely shook he

st. "You still have 300 minutes from now before we go to the meeting thi

n't refuse the man's command. What authority did she have here?

for now. I will work on all the deadlines today."

es he think I'm a robot who can complet

ink I didn't hear that, huh? Do you

unintentionally overheard her muttering.


sigh of relief while

eday, I'll make you crazy abou


he next few months, there were indeed many deadlines he had to meet. Not to mention the reevaluation of the cooperation agreements with ma

rding to him, the planning and execution of the Royal Penthouse

veral times. From the look in his eyes, it was clear that he was carefully analyzing everyth

we can have a briefing at the office around 11 AM. Don't forget to prepare all the environmental impact analysis documents," the man in f

nfidently. "Yes, Mister, I've neatly recorded the resume you request

at his watch briefly, and spoke, "Well then, le

t after the meeting, Nicholas would immediately return to the office. Because as far as she knew, her boss was not

em. "Why so quiet?" Nicholas asked after they entered a restaurant. "Hurry, take a seat and order your food," he instructed. Howeve

is secretary. Swear to God! Kimberly had never seen Nicholas smile so freely before. In her heart, she felt a surge of joy b

y subordinates go hungry after working so

n, they both ate in silence. Neither of them initiated a conver

n, Kimberly Rayder. I've been looking for yo

he voice, especially Kimberly, who was startled to see the figu

again. "Is he your new boyfriend?"

till, observing the

ce. "We're done, right? So I hope you can leave me alone now!" She gave the command wi

nical smile. "It's not that easy, Kimberly Rayder. Remember that! It's not that easy." Then, when M

t disrupt my lunch ritual, Dude. Regardless of your

g Nicholas's words. "You should think twi

nk that's your concern. It would be better if you left before

Kimmy. I assure you, you'll pay dearly for your actions today!" Then, Mario l


lunch as if nothing had happened, behaving as though nothing was amiss. Kimberly

spoke again. "I know I'm handsome, so there's no need

Nicholas's remark. She didn't know her boss had such

e, didn't answer, and chose to get up from

exclaimed in frustration as she hurr

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