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Violet Embers: The Forgotten One

Chapter 2 The Wynter Clan

Word Count: 2793    |    Released on: 02/10/2023

me. His voice sounds familiar, and

rushed, almost anxious in its ne


e on the clouds. I'm flying, no, soaring above them. They touch the tips of my wings- wait when did I get wings? I don't have wings only Papa and Emyl have wings. I blink in confusion and then focus my eyes once

ime and before I can contemplate what it means when

at him once more and then I notice it, the blood that streams down his face from a gash in his forehead, the exhaustion that radiates from his eyes. What happened to Emyl? Emyl looks scary. He m

have to hide." Emyl w

e are we going? Wher

ions later but first, we have to-" He rushes the word

and then another which I do not know. His pupils turn real small an

I ask as he slumps

lift him off me. "Emyl, you're heavy. Stop playing

rty. I turn to Emyl, but he doesn't move. My eyes go big, and I scream out. A large arrow is sticking out from his upper back. Flustered I glance around frantica

ft twinkling voice calls to me. I turn my head in search of the voice and in the distance of t

are you awake?" Myra calls fr

and let out a sigh. It was just a dream

?" She calls

er." I reply, removing my fu

Clan, has white hair, pale skin, and a shade of blue eyes. Everyone except my mother who is originally fr

nd rosy light skin. The Teiryan's of the Teiryn Clan have dark brown skin, brown or hazel eyes, and dark hair. Each Clan co

center of the Continent, separating the four clans from one another. We all once lived in harmony but as the years passed the

, Lunaera, the Moon Goddess, bestowed power onto four out of the five warriors who led the fight against the Evil Ones. The fifth remained human and became the first King of Man, while the ot

ay. It's time to get ready." Myra

completely forgotten my excitement for today. Today I would shift for the first time as it's my b

ntive this morning. Is everything alright?

instantly my posture straightens, an

a." Myra quickly replies l

ow," I clear my thr

a says as she rushes to the

ds-on approach when it came to raising him. Or so I've been told. Myra and I have had a close relationship, she is like a mother to me. After Emyl died during the Battle of the Last Night Mother was never the same. She sp

akness such as being lost in thought due to the nightmares of a long-gone Emyl. I've seen w

a v-cut neckline from the closet. A small smile threatens to show on my face, but I

e she assists me into my gown and leather boots. As she makes

hear Taryn call f

n Ryn,"

s. I swear this boy is made up of anxiety. I wave him over as Myra finishes adding the last small

I ask, alluding t

can see the anxiety there. It doesn't help that he's

now. Thank you, Myra

ady." She says,

ear Myra call after me. I turn my head towa

y bir

ing her smile, and turning to fo

hday by the way. Sorry, I didn't forget I was just caught in my

e and give him a warm smile, hoping I can reassure him. When he gives me a genuine sm

In this room my father, his Beta, and his Gamma converse tactics for fights against the K

ed, this is also the reason Archylyan is strong in his views of attack. While we lost someone dear to us, Archylyan lost his wife and his only son, therefore his need for vengeance is much greater. Even though I agree with his reasons I don't agree with his beliefs, mostly

e's resilient I'll give him that. I laugh to myself and all eyes turn to me. My Father's piercing blue

day!" My Father booms as he

cally gasped out from und

her Awakening tonight. Well, it could bring any Father to t

ke it to my Awakening. You'll smother me before

you here Kaelyna?"

Father corrects, which makes Archylyan's eyes go wide. He quickly

Alpha. What brings you

or me," I say wit

t. It will be much easier for her to choose her beta that way if she understands their interactio

t even shifted yet. Plus her dragon will guide her to a Beta that's worthy." Archly


ely too heavily on my Beta." I say quickly cutting off my Father

ot forget Kaelyna to remember to utilize your Beta and Gamma, but also to rely on them. A close relationship w

y don't we start my observatio

He says and turns back

atop the Wynter Mountain, the range of mountains that cuts into the far northern portion of the forest. Five camouflaged lookout towers sit along the edge of

s went to ensuring the security of our defenses and safety in our new area. Now that we have been settled in a

nd excuse myself to find Taryn so that we can squeeze in a training session before it's time to prepare. I exit our cabin whic

make it to the edge of the village and as soon as I break through to the treeline I fully sprint towards the training grounds near the edge of the cliff. When I arrive Taryn is already waiting for me and

enough." He say

waiting lo

in. Unlike someone I know." He win

brother have all the fun." I say walking to the middl

on embedded in the hilt, which once belonged to Emyl. When he passed I asked m

othes from the chest onside and to change. I return to find that the training field

as I walk up

." He

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