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Shadows of ganglife - An NZ fiction

Shadows of ganglife - An NZ fiction


Chapter 1 Shadows in the land of the long white cloud

Word Count: 702    |    Released on: 26/09/2023

that seemed to echo the secrets of the land. New Zealand, known to the indigenous Maori as Aotearoa, the La

weight of a hidden world—the city of Auckland. While tourists marveled at its stunning harbors and lush gre

Born and raised in the suburbs of West Auckland, Kahu had learned from an early age that the streets he called home were no ordinary str

paraded down the streets. The reds of the Mongrel Mob, the blues of the Black Power, and the greens of the K

small hand clutching a bag of sweets, when a group of Mongrel Mob members, their faces hidden behind black bandanas, swaggered

with a mixture of admiration and longing. Tane's once-clean arms were now covered in tattoos that b

t, his voice filled wi

brother, a hint of sadnes

ongrel Mob members. "

on serious. "They're the Mob, little bro. The

ensing the deep sense of belonging that it offered. It was a belonging h

other, Tane, became more deeply entrenched in the Mob's world, attending meetings and taking on responsibilities

found himself drawn into the web of rivalries, alliances, and conflicts that defined gang life. Loyalty was pa

o had dreams of breaking free from the cycle of violence that surrounded them. Their love was a beacon

s life. Would he follow in his brother's footsteps and become a lifelong member of the Mongrel Mo

whispered their secrets, and Kahu was about to d

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