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In Love With My Best Friend.

Chapter 3 Kaléo Coleman - The return to San Diego

Word Count: 1438    |    Released on: 29/09/2023

here for a while. The doorman at the building where she lived told me that Ayumi moved out almost a year ago, and that got

discovered that Carl is the owner. That's what my eccentric sister was going to tell me that day, and I had dismissed her. As soon as he saw me, hi

was lying. He wasn't being truthful with me. I had always been a good judge of character, and that imbecile wouldn't be the first to deceive me.

the streets, even though I knew them like the back of my hand. I felt lost and adrift. Lost

ed as I stood out

nder's attention, he approached, drying his hands with a pristine towel. Wondering what I desired, I requested a double shot of Scotch whiskey. As soon as he served it,

the bartend

t everything out, but I d

Ayumi were here now, she would be standing before me, hands on hips, giving me a stern look or scolding me for drinking. She never approved of my drinking and woul

lost track of how much I had consumed, and


I awaited Ayumi's call, which never came. Whenever possible, I went out with my friends and siblings to a nightclub. We often ran into Carl, who was always alone, and cam

ighs heavily on me, but there's nothing I can do. I won't find peace until I have news of Ayumi. I glance at the dance floor and spot a couple, and one person, in particular, catches my eye. Finishing the rest of my drink, I made my way toward them. I recognize Carl, but

Carl looks at me with a smirk, attempting t

the jerk calls me bud

t I warned Ayumi about you. And now I see you cheating on her?” I look to the side, and t

ittle mare. Nothing's gonna

e asks, c

ing, and he wriggles free, attempting to p

eady impatient, and my hands are itching so much to

ng on. I won't allow my best friend to be labeled

sn't feel!” Hatred consumes me at that moment. I

you piece of shit!” I climb on top of him, landing a few more punches, and feel arms pulli

e and see Jackson trying to pull me far away from the idiot. “Leave him, it's not

er so much, but she betrayed me! Ran off with some asshole from her work, while this jerk here…” he points to himself, landing a few punche

ak free from Jackson's grip

and you'll pay when I find out if something serious happened to her. You can bet it won't just be punches and kicks that you'll receive!”

If you hear any news about her or talk to Ayumi…” He wipes the corner of his bleeding mouth, spits on the ground, and adds, “Tell her I haven't given

mething very wrong with this story, I know Ayumi, and I know she would never do something

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1 Chapter 1 Foreword - Carl Jenkins2 Chapter 2 Kaléo Coleman - The return.3 Chapter 3 Kaléo Coleman - The return to San Diego4 Chapter 4 Kaléo Coleman - Obscure - Part 15 Chapter 5 Kaléo Coleman - Obscure – Part 26 Chapter 6 Kaléo Coleman - The End of the Search.7 Chapter 7 Kaléo Coleman - Going to her.8 Chapter 8 Kaléo Coleman - Pain and Memories.9 Chapter 9 Kaléo Coleman - The Sad Farewell10 Chapter 10 Evelyn Williams - From enchantment to despair.11 Chapter 11 Evelyn Williams - I will keep her safe!12 Chapter 12 Mayke Calvin - Suspicions.13 Chapter 13 Kaléo Coleman - Surprise!14 Chapter 14 Unknown - A few days earlier15 Chapter 15 Ayumi Clarck - Memories and Pains - Part 116 Chapter 16 Ayumi Clarck - Memories and Pains - Part 217 Chapter 17 Mayke Calvin - Rescue and Fight.18 Chapter 18 Ayumi Clarck - Crazy dreams and finding him – Part 119 Chapter 19 Ayumi Clarck - Crazy dreams and finding him – Part 220 Chapter 20 Ayumi Clarck - Therapy21 Chapter 21 Ayumi Clarck - Mother 22 Chapter 22 Ayumi Clarck - Taking the exam.23 Chapter 23 Ayumi Clarck - Result and Outing -Part 124 Chapter 24 Ayumi Clarck - Result and Outing -Part 225 Chapter 25 Kaléo Coleman - Hallucinations26 Chapter 26 Evelyn Williams - Analyzing and Confronting – Part 127 Chapter 27 Evelyn Williams - Analyzing and Confronting – Part 228 Chapter 28 Evelyn Williams - Analyzing and Confronting – Part 329 Chapter 29 Kaléo Coleman - Still in denial.30 Chapter 30 Kaléo Coleman - The bombshell!31 Chapter 31 Kaléo Coleman - Truths.32 Chapter 32 Ayumi Clark - DNA test 33 Chapter 33 Thomas Hayes - Revealing Secrets and Regrets.34 Chapter 34 Kaléo Coleman - Her Arrival35 Chapter 35 Kaléo Coleman - The Conversation36 Chapter 36 Kaléo Coleman - Taking both37 Chapter 37 Kaléo Coleman - I accept, even though I don't want to!38 Chapter 38 Anelize Hollins - Dormant Feelings39 Chapter 39 Anelize Hollins - Conflicting Feelings.40 Chapter 40 Anelize Hollins - Discovering the Secret.41 Chapter 41 Anelize Hollins - Opening My Heart42 Chapter 42 Amora Clarck - Reunion43 Chapter 43 Amora Clarck - Memories: Childhood…44 Chapter 44 Amora Clarck - Memories: And Then She Arrived!45 Chapter 45 Amora Clarck - Memories: The Mask of Kindness46 Chapter 46 Amora Clarck - Memories47 Chapter 47 Amora Clarck - Memories: Breakup and Wounds - Part 148 Chapter 48 Amora Clarck - Memories: Breakup and Wounds - Part 249 Chapter 49 Amora Clarck - With My Own Hands50 Chapter 50 Evelyn Williams - Fights.51 Chapter 51 Carl Jenkins - Fatal Encounter - Part 152 Chapter 52 Amora Clarck - Fatal Encounter - Part 253 Chapter 53 Mayke Calvin - A painful death, after all.54 Chapter 54 Ayumi Clark - Calmness - Part 1 55 Chapter 55 Ayumi Clark - Calmness - Part 256 Chapter 56 Kaléo Coleman - Feelings touched - Part 157 Chapter 57 Kaléo Coleman - Feelings touched - Part 258 Chapter 58 Kaléo Coleman - Opening Heat - Part 159 Chapter 59 Kaléo Coleman - Opening Heat - Part 260 Chapter 60 Ayumi Clark - Resolving outstanding issues.61 Chapter 61 Mayke Calvin - Putting the Dots on the i's62 Chapter 62 Kaléo Coleman - The Request for a New Beginning.63 Chapter 63 Kaléo Coleman - Our Night.64 Chapter 64 Kaléo Coleman - Goodbye, Julieta Rochelle!65 Chapter 65 Evelyn Williams - Double Celebration.66 Chapter 66 Ayumi Clarck - The Face of Evil - Part 167 Chapter 67 Ayumi Clarck - The Face of Evil - Part 268 Chapter 68 Ayumi Clarck - Two Hearts, One Soul.69 Chapter 69 Carl Jenkins - Memories: Troubled Childhood - Years Ago70 Chapter 70 Carl Jenkins - Memories: The Labyrinth of the Mind.71 Chapter 71 Carl Jenkins - Memories: The Rise of Darkness.72 Chapter 72 Carl Jenkins - Memories: The Path of Revenge.73 Chapter 73 Carl Jenkins - Memories: Masks of Ambition.74 Chapter 74 Mayke Calvin - The Hunt. - Present day…75 Chapter 75 Carl Jenkins - The Price of Freedom.76 Chapter 76 Kaléo Coleman - Revenge at Last - Part 177 Chapter 77 Kaléo Coleman - Revenge at Last - Part 278 Chapter 78 Kaléo Coleman - Revenge at Last - Part 379 Chapter 79 Kaléo Coleman - Revenge at Last - Part 480 Chapter 80 Ayumi Clarck - Girls' Night Out and One Crazy Kidnapping.81 Chapter 81 Kaléo Coleman - The Perfect Proposal82 Chapter 82 Ayumi Clarck - Friend's Wedding.83 Chapter 83 Anelize Hollins - The Dress - Part 284 Chapter 84 Jhon Coleman - The suit.85 Chapter 85 Ayumi Clarck - Bachelor Party86 Chapter 86 Evelyn Williams - Wedding.87 Chapter 87 Ayumi Coleman - Memories of the wedding.88 Chapter 88 Ayumi Coleman - Honeymoon.89 Chapter 89 Ayumi Coleman - Discovering the Relationships.90 Chapter 90 Ayumi Coleman - Pregnant 91 Chapter 91 Ayumi Coleman - Gathering the extended family - Part 192 Chapter 92 Ayumi Coleman - Gathering the extended family - Part 293 Chapter 93 Ayumi Coleman - Surprises. - Part 194 Chapter 94 Ayumi Coleman - Surprises. - Part 295 Chapter 95 Ayumi Coleman - Our Weekend.96 Chapter 96 Ayumi Coleman- Birth of Our Daughter.97 Chapter 97 Ayumi Coleman - Storytime and Discovery98 Chapter 98 Kaléo Coleman - Birth and Marriage99 Chapter 99 Kaléo Coleman - Encounter.100 Chapter 100 Ayumi Coleman - Orphanage. - Part 1