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Word Count: 1654    |    Released on: 29/09/2023

car door. Everyone bowed respectfully, while he glared coldly slipping his hands into his pockets.

towards the girls, gesturing them to go back to their duties. As they all

ed, throwing her hands in the air

into the kitchen. Vera walked towards the cabin

assive one" I complimented

n the whole place yet

I turned t

the whole place soon, but…." She paused, tu

cold room or else?" She rolled her eyes. "You'd be dead!" She a

m?" Jennie a

he cold

busy slamming the bowl of dough. "Why don't we explore it?" Jen

turned swiftly at Jennie , fear writt

rous for just a moment huh?"

s about when you know, you'd die

was only kidding"

e would ever know you ever existed" Ver

hummed in u

enly asked as she paused. Vera stopped what

e added forthwith

replied shortly as she

r you, right?" She asked concer

cooker. Jennie moved closer to her and held her shoulders in a comforting ho

ely striking but he's deadly and dangerous. I'm more worried about you Je

now I'm here for you okay?" She added as she hugged

selection night

" She added as Jennie crossed her

ht?" She furro

isplayed for the Don to choose his next bed warmer, it's traditio

ou wonder what's in store for me?" Jen

or the selection night" Vera suggested. "But then the Don never waits," sh

e last selection night?"

pped immediately a girl

o the bedroom before midnight," said th

tinued. Jennie could pict

chosen?" Jennie blurts out the question. Vera s

if you don't

't wish for that!" Vera answered


d!" Vera almost yelled as

that," Jennie qu

e brought here, he fucking chose her and ripped off her pride as a woman, he raped her to death that same night!" Vera let

a Cleaned her eyes as she sniffed in. "He's not human, run the very moment you set your eyes on him anywhere

wouldn't want to pass through the traumatic pain Olivia's friend passed



ring a slight ping. Scrolling through tons of texts, I ignored them before clicking on a sent message from Carlos. What?! I gaped

h an elegance, so flawless and enchanting, never really set my eyes on

ock. "Who has a death wish tonight?!" I g

g my butts on the chair in front of it. I watched through the mirror curiously a

oftly as she knelt co

you," I glared t

came to warm your bed as accustomed,"

snapped with

uickly added as she stood up, gave me a sid

turned gradually, I could see the fear eating her up as she walked towards me. Her legs and hands trembling, gripping her fo

r" she shuddered a

exist?" I growled slowly as she

grunted painfully as

room. she coughed uncontrollably as she held her neck

out of the room. I swiveled around with a


owards my bed and collapsed on it with a grunt. What the hell just happened?! I thought I was free from this man's terror the moment he chose me over the other girls

hat room, what could I have told my creator?" I asked rhetorically before huffing, "indeed

eld it and closed it before pulling down the curtains. "I must eradicate anyone who tries playing games with me, the Don is mine and not

essing mirror as I stared desp

eek. I can't wait to have him In me, even when he treats me and uses me like a


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