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Craving Your Touch

Craving Your Touch


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1561    |    Released on: 29/09/2023


ila?" I snorted because I couldn't count t

of those who study there are able to make ends meet, right?" Mia is my friend here in th

n for a famous university in Manila. I had great

ather is dead because he had a heart attack when she was pregnant with me. When

pporting and educating me even though our lives are

sigh. I closed the bag of clothes I was goin

abundant life, so I'm moving there,

hat something might happen to yo

o me, Mom. Besides, Mi

So I looked up at her smiling. She l

ys astound me with your beauty,"

. "I belo

, Athena," I winced secretly. Just now she didn't want to let

'm leaving, ma'am. I love you so much," I s

dness in her eyes. "Be care

f me that is sad because my whole life my mother and I have be

ed when I saw Aling Neila who had

of Mom, huh? I'm leaving

e late for the bus departure. It is necessary to leave as


a deep breath from exhaustion. I arrived

immediately went straight t

ctor turned to us and l

e bus is starting to move. I was a little nervous and couldn


gged me tightly. "I

ugged back. "I

at is that? Even though you just came from a flight,

ach other, Mia got even better. Her smooth, brown skin shines every time the sun

's a little small," she said while pointing to ever

nly one here, eh. Thank you so much!

trip. You look tired. Rest first and I'll cook you some f

you back when I save up. I will pay for everything you gi

nd Aunt Amelia a lot since I was a child. Almost every day you spen

p you either. Let's fa

ooked up at me.

nto the bathroom to take a shower. I f

s start?" Mia asked

ed in surprise because we

when I found out that the university was so big and

al needs are the only ones I'm going to have problems with here in Manila. As much as possible, I will i

s announced that the entrance for each

That's why. And at the firs

ful? Because I saw earlier that you have to s

many books that need to be read and the cases are given one after the other. One of the reas

is really something for you. I feel you will be so

wned secretly. Aside from studying in the law course, my problem is confidence.

about it, okay? That might be bad for you

tood up and went to the living room. She open

d presented me with the white box.

is t


mediately covered it and gave it back t

riously. "Why? That

I don't even want what

to me. "Alright naaaa! Accept it. You really need tha

rs. Annoying! Why is this girl lik

e allowance given to me is also big so I bought it right away. I know you don

ve you so much, Mia. I'll see that it's all a

tly. "I love yo

ug and wiped my tears.

this, eh. Besides, I wouldn't have been able to come h

You answered

Let's not even think about th

op she was holding. Even if she doesn't want to

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