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It's My Destiny

Chapter 4 Unexpected connection

Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 03/10/2023

ome fruits for grandma. On getting there, she pressed the doorbell and waited for it to be opened. After some seconds, a young guy came to opened the door. "Is grandma home?" Dorah asked.

"You shouldn't have stress yourself but don't worry I'll eat everything without giving anybody" grandma said jokingly. "Guess what" "What's that?" Dorah asked. "The guy that opened the door for you is Ben my grandson" Grandma said. "Whoa, he's cute" dorah whispered. "Hey, you better don't forget Ronald because of him" "Grandma" Dorah exclaimed as she burst into laughter. "Seriously?" She added. "I'm serious here" dorah said. "I hope he's here to stay?" Dorah asked. "Yes" "that's good" "Benedict" Grandma called out. "Grandma, it's Jace not Benedict" the guy said. Dorah watched him as he took the fruits to the kitchen. She couldn't bear , lookin

nking at her. "OMG, this isn't good" "I told you I'll find you by all means but I think luck is on my side because you find me yourself" Jace said. "Why did you have to be Jace?" "Because I'm named Jace" "wow, seriously spea


h mouthed as she paused for a second. "What's wrong?" "That's Helena" She said looking ahead of her. "Oh, just avoid her" Jace said with a frown. "Why?" "We broke up. Well, she broke up with me because she thought you and I were dating" He said rolling his eye balls. "Well, that's why she disgraced me in front of all students. She seriously has some temper issues to deal with" "Well, it's over now so no more explanation" He said as Helena walked pass them. "Jace " Helena's voice was heard. They both turned and met Helena facing them already. "Geez,


"Yeah" prudence answered looking at Dorah whose head was down. "Can I please steal Dorah from you for some minutes or an hour?" Ronald asked. "She's all yours. You can have her for a whole day" prudence said. "But I thought we're going........" "Sssshhhh, later baby. Bye senior" Prudence said walking off. "Okay, baby. Bye'' he said making dorah shot him a glare. "Baby of all words" she murmured, unknown to her Ronald heard her. "Is everything okay?" Ronald asked. "Yeah" she answered walking ahead. "Come on, dorah" he said walked to her and held her hand. Dorah could feel the spark, she

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1 Chapter 1 Arrival of Helena Allan 2 Chapter 2 Melodies by the lake 3 Chapter 3 Melodies of faith 4 Chapter 4 Unexpected connection 5 Chapter 5 Echoes of choice 6 Chapter 6 Whispers of the heart 7 Chapter 7 Bittersweet melodies 8 Chapter 8 Notes of destiny 9 Chapter 9 Strains of destiny 10 Chapter 10 Harmonies of heart 11 Chapter 11 Crossroads of Friendship and Love12 Chapter 12 Reunion 13 Chapter 13 Longing for him14 Chapter 14 Betrothed 15 Chapter 15 Love you still16 Chapter 16 If love was a crime 17 Chapter 17 Confusion 18 Chapter 18 He has a daughter 19 Chapter 19 Untold feelings 20 Chapter 20 Symphony of emotions 21 Chapter 21 Unforgotten history 22 Chapter 22 Unforgotten history 2 23 Chapter 23 Matchmaking24 Chapter 24 Matchmaking 225 Chapter 25 Back in time 26 Chapter 26 Love is a risk27 Chapter 27 Feeling the chemistry all over again 28 Chapter 28 It's just as it was29 Chapter 29 Setting them up30 Chapter 30 Trying to make up31 Chapter 31 Feeling the guilt32 Chapter 32 Busted 33 Chapter 33 Not your fault 34 Chapter 34 The incident35 Chapter 35 Just happened 36 Chapter 36 She's mine 37 Chapter 37 Hidden scars38 Chapter 38 Fault39 Chapter 39 Forever bond of friendship 40 Chapter 40 The worst feeling is when you smile to hide your true feeling 41 Chapter 41 Trace of jealousy 42 Chapter 42 Misunderstanding 43 Chapter 43 MIRACE creation 44 Chapter 44 Love triangle 45 Chapter 45 Even though I love you 46 Chapter 46 Prom date47 Chapter 47 Pains48 Chapter 48 Don't dare hurt her49 Chapter 49 Dress up50 Chapter 50 Prom night 51 Chapter 51 The fight52 Chapter 52 Exposed 53 Chapter 53 Senior year54 Chapter 54 Moments 55 Chapter 55 The kiss56 Chapter 56 Misunderstanding the Kiss57 Chapter 57 What it means to Love58 Chapter 58 Confrontation59 Chapter 59 Another competition