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I Accidentally Kissed My Best Friend

Chapter 3 Escaping Trouble

Word Count: 1376    |    Released on: 03/10/2023

ving me the hint that it was a new day. The regular bird chipping made its usual no

usual job of waking me up. There were times I was purposely reluc

s and for a reason to me, att

ing left my friend at my door post beggi

if he was still there. To my great

e, did the potion actually knock his brain out that bad

y for his rent. This is really a case to ponder upon. Living with the one we go was cas

tner knowing, and the best option I could figu

d put me in this mess, he alone can t

ened my window to escape witho

y action, I ran off without

most unusual place that morning. That is right, I never met the potion guru in a

that it wasn't completely my f

y spoiled appliance. After asking for directions to a mechanic shop, I decided to urinate behind an unkept bush. There was a tree tha

t a try. In case you don't know, it was the beau


this, much distance covered, I can say

is better than facing the people who saw

beloved Bella, who witne

nts were leaving their various lecture halls, a

lding the potion in my hand, I was prepa

a rush to empty its content in her mouth

g the accident, and he surprisingly kissed me a

it irritates me, and it

hat is the last thing I

tually bear their grand children. There is no

re or sex and have my tender cream

enjoy sex,


orgetting to pay for the drive un

funny to me at all, and so I

the route I took that landed me in t

t stood there the last time too. Definitely tha

wasn't good at remembering locations. But for this reason, somehow I had an idea of

complaints in my heart before I

s I allowed my head to sur

wasn't a fan of knocks, so

for the charmer. The house always looked

walls, one would

been addressed as, “po

was the busy type that didn't want dist

h I knew him too well. After spending my damn money on

was a funny-looking one because it was only in the center of his head. And his eyes

ited him, which was the only time, actually. After knocking severall

nd a forceful wind

room which door was on a

from this so-called potion gu

feel too bothered. What made me feel interested in his poti

n and decided to get a love potion. Which he strictly ins

I always had Bella in my mind, eve

The guru snapped me

is lair. It's perplexing how I

the wrong formula?” The guru asked further,

ong kiss” I confessed with my e

ru spoke with his usual probing eyes, staring strictly at

inally voiced out after ob

loud cough while taki

ould h

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1 Chapter 1 Meet Me2 Chapter 2 The Wrong Kiss3 Chapter 3 Escaping Trouble 4 Chapter 4 Tough Solution 5 Chapter 5 Chris6 Chapter 6 The Stolen Solution 7 Chapter 7 Retrieved at Last8 Chapter 8 Was I Fucked9 Chapter 9 Confused 10 Chapter 10 The Wrong Visitor 11 Chapter 11 The Unexpected 12 Chapter 12 Spill the Beans 13 Chapter 13 Spill the beans 214 Chapter 14 Fallen into Temptation 15 Chapter 15 Troubled Hearts16 Chapter 16 Something's Fishy17 Chapter 17 More Trouble 18 Chapter 18 The World of Fame19 Chapter 19 The World of Fame 220 Chapter 20 The Missing Chris 21 Chapter 21 Son of a Billionaire 22 Chapter 22 In Trouble Again 23 Chapter 23 Into the Bad Land24 Chapter 24 Trapped with the Cops25 Chapter 25 All for Love Sake26 Chapter 26 The Cheat27 Chapter 27 The Cheat 228 Chapter 28 The Potion's Hidden Secret 29 Chapter 29 The Second Kiss 30 Chapter 30 Gay or Not31 Chapter 31 Alone with my Obsession 32 Chapter 32 Daylight Kidnapping 33 Chapter 33 All my Mistake 34 Chapter 34 All My Mistake 235 Chapter 35 Lying to My Friend 36 Chapter 36 Between the Two of Them 37 Chapter 37 A Gay's Club 38 Chapter 38 Escaping Trouble 39 Chapter 39 A Secret to Share40 Chapter 40 Dead Romeo41 Chapter 41 My Date42 Chapter 42 My Wife to be43 Chapter 43 Bella's Evil Secret 44 Chapter 44 Taking my Fiancee Home45 Chapter 45 To Know her Better 46 Chapter 46 The Bella I don't know 47 Chapter 47 Mother and Bella48 Chapter 48 Our Engagement Party49 Chapter 49 In Love With Chris 50 Chapter 50 My Disastrous Engagement 51 Chapter 51 My Disastrous Engagement 52 Chapter 52 Clear View53 Chapter 53 Do He Still Remember's54 Chapter 54 Does He Still Remember 255 Chapter 55 Under Her Control 56 Chapter 56 Saving Chris 57 Chapter 57 Saving Chris 258 Chapter 58 The Cops By My Side59 Chapter 59 Another Idea60 Chapter 60 Unstoppable 61 Chapter 61 Unstoppable 262 Chapter 62 Me on the Wedding Day 63 Chapter 63 Married to Chris 64 Chapter 64 After the Wedding 65 Chapter 65 Until Death Do Us Part 66 Chapter 66 Until Death Do Us Part 267 Chapter 67 Can't Wait to Make Love 68 Chapter 68 Lust in His Eyes69 Chapter 69 The Other Guy70 Chapter 70 The Other Guy 271 Chapter 71 Chris's Idea 72 Chapter 72 At Home With My Annoying Family 73 Chapter 73 The party in the Hospital 74 Chapter 74 The Unexpected 75 Chapter 75 My 76 Chapter 76 The Enemy's Plan77 Chapter 77 The Wrong Choice 78 Chapter 78 Plan Gone Wrong 79 Chapter 79 The Villain's Plan80 Chapter 80 Separated81 Chapter 81 His New Home 82 Chapter 82 Alex and Hudson 83 Chapter 83 Hudson's Condition 84 Chapter 84 The Guy At My House 85 Chapter 85 Are You Gay Too86 Chapter 86 A Gay to the Public 87 Chapter 87 Suspected Helper 88 Chapter 88 Finding a New Friend 89 Chapter 89 Attacked Suddenly 90 Chapter 90 Attacked Suddenly 291 Chapter 91 Chris's Choice For Love92 Chapter 92 Hiding From the Enemy 93 Chapter 93 Against the Enemy 94 Chapter 94 Recollecting Every Event 95 Chapter 95 Against the Enemy96 Chapter 96 A Glimpse of His Lover97 Chapter 97 A Glimpse of His Lover 298 Chapter 98 Rekindled Love99 Chapter 99 To Decide for Love100 Chapter 100 Connected Lovers