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Her New Year Mate


Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 03/10/2023

stem and looked for softer music to put on. Diwa, meanwhile, walke

his?” she aske

y shops. When I find something really odd, uncommon, or anything that I haven’t seen before, I buy it. There have been a fe

ings, barely the size of his hand. He took off the lid so she could see in

Aaron grinned proudly and

I’ve had it for about ten years, and yes, it has continued to run. It was one of th

going through his treasures

es could he be h

ber. I love all of my collected items, but I buy them only on very special occasions since they are expensiv

ying another e

re’s a place for orphaned children I like to visit. You’ll like it there, I think,” he

one or currently doing. “But please, don’t mention this to anyone, ok

would rather keep the “charmer” reputation in

e. It’s just that when you have a bad rep, usually people

Diwa firmly stated as she placed both arms around

ile for the

’d like to disappoint,” Aaron murmured in b


ng… ring

nd?” said a low, g

ed rival,’ and they look very happy. Maybe you’re wrong with your assu

ow her more than she even knows herself. She is just deluded by his position, p

together. They even had a small ‘scene’ inside the elevator, and the witnesses couldn’t shut up about it to their

stion under consideration,” the ca

g he’ll completely igno


s strangers were currently - and happily - spending th

ped what he was doing for a

pened?” she snap

time i

close to mid

ile on the bedside table nearest him, all the

creasingly turned

midnight, l

opped just to tell me tha

she tried to move her hips to get more of him inside her. He countered by shifting his weight to keep he

for the

e. I just wanted to tell you how important you are to me by

he looked up at him, forgetting the cuss

e her smile, she could feel the knot forming inside her chest due to t

ought, completely giving herself up to her

d early morning. Both finally fell

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