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Redemption (English)

Chapter 8 The Ball

Word Count: 1956    |    Released on: 05/10/2023

ee days. I mean three whole days! Do you know how long that is! Plus it's not like we committed a sin or something!" Lily continued her

ved in the stunt if it wasn't for you, secondly remember to knock b

sked curiously remembering those grey eyes. This question caught Rose's attention

nd’s sons," James repli

him?" Rose asked now getting a litt

ded, "yea

ly raised her eyebrow. She knew her father wouldn't i

lied. He didn't want his daughters to worry about anyt

f a sudden. He was invited by Vincenzo and Dante, along with his daug

s your date?" Lily l

h. Also since someone continuously blames me for not letti

nt. All the while Rose was aware there was something more to this outing. Somethin

ose asked with


colours were different. Rose's gown was a soft pink while Lily's was a metallic grey with floral work running on the

party was taking place. People were too busy looking at the two beautiful ladies standing on the top of the staircase. M

ould fall on his watch to check time at short intervals and he admitted he was getting impatient. He saw James was already in the hall

for this party and ran his eyes over the mirror thrice before

et. This immediately had Vincenzo and Dante's head snap towards the staircase and they stopped breathing at the sight in front

were getting. They both smiled when they saw their father approaching them and

hters' cheeks before whisperi

all. Lily praised the people who decorated the hall, while Rose was busy looking for the area from where she could

her lips. She excused herself from her family and immediately made her way towards those tre

ach when someone cleared their throat. It was Vinc

d in his husky voice and that made somethin

er son, and this is my beautiful daughter Lily

taking her hand in his and kissing her knuckles eve

her stomach churn with excitement. James excused himself from the two to give them some time to talk. He was well aware of

before in my life," Vincenzo was shocked at himself afte

ferent. However she ignored it. Or at least tried to. She didn't feel like standing in his presence anymore because he was making her damn nervous and Lily wasn't the o

ction being so close to him. But before she could say anything, Vincenzo had already grabbed her

hy the hell was she feeling like a teenager with raging hormones with him? She thought. She has done more than this with a few other boys. It was not a big deal, righ

o she couldn’t stop herself from

well with him and he was confused as to why he was acting this way in a very short period of time with her. Surely this ha

the situation. She giggled witnessing Lily look constipated in that dominating man'

t aware of someone standing just behind her and was try

closer to Rose's ear, lightly brushing them against her skin. That made

" he whispere

had been thinking about a lot in the past two days. Her face was

brow and finally spoke

y offered his hand for her to shake, "but you

n with anyone before. Never had a boyfriend before. Not that she wasn't asked. She was asked a million times but always broke the poor men's heart by rejecting them each time. She

ave a new boyfriend, not every week or month but you can say at least every six or seven months. To the most, a

ks already. This was the first time Dante would be making a move on girl. To say he was nervous was an understatement. How ironic it would be to say

elicious treats. He saw how softly she wrapped her lips around the éclair an

he remaining chocolate on her bottom lip. How much Dante was dying to do that f

s expression changed to a grim one. The one that assas

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