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The Diamond Master


Word Count: 1938    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

requested Mr. Wynne, who still stood, coo

umed their seats-all save Mr. Cawthorne, who walked over to a window with t

ch may interest you-the octahedron, the rhombic dodecahedron, the triakisoctahedron and the hexakisoctahedron." He spread them along the table w

nodded un

ica, Brazil, India or New Jersey. There is not the slightest variation in value if the stone is perfect. That being true, it is a matter of no concern to you, as dealers, wh

udpud had been increase

ve understand you

cket from an inner pocket. He stripped it of severa

years ago you had an opportunity of exa


that you were one of three experts to whom was intrusted the task of s

rect," Mr. C

in your hand, and you wou

dentify it," said Mr.

t time he had spoken. Mr. Wynne walked around the ta

ntlemen examine this t


t that all might see. Then he carefully placed it on the table in front of

exclaimed M

x carats and a fraction-beneath their glasses, and finally Mr. Cawthorne picked

s the Koh-i-noor! Mr. Czenki didn't mention it, but I was one of the three ex

Mr. Wynne; he was smiling. There was a que

-noor or an exact dupli

oor," repeated Mr.

vas missing somebody would haf heard, ain'd id? I haf nod heard.

as the Koh-i-noor, of course, by a slight inaccuracy in one of the facets adjoining the collet. That

ltze sat beside him. Amazement was a thing of the past, as fa

ert, what would you say was the most per

mailed to these gentlemen," repl

ost perfect diamond known to the world


ooked around, with be

heir approval of Mr

at Paris, the property of the French Government-valued at two and a half million dollars." His hand disappeared into the leather packet again; poised on his finger-t

isted the diamond in his hand. After a moment

hat if it had disappeared from the Louvre." He turned to Mr. Schultze again. "I may add that this fiftyfold increase

wel from the packet and he

!" gasped M

the Russian sceptre. This is a replica-color, weight and cutting being ident

aces of these men, and he found only the tense interest of an audience watching a clever jugg

ee pounds," he questioned in a tone of deep resign

"but I may possibly get that o

es and the replicas in an orderly little row on the table in front of him and t

"Is there one lingering doubt in any mind here as to the trem

gravely, after a little pause. "Dere iss someding b

in the palm of my hand, with the unlimited supply back of me. I am offering you an opportunity to prevent the annihilation of the market. It rests with you. If I turn loo

s ghastly white; haggard lines, limned by amazement and realization

. "The Syndicate controls the market by force of a reserve stock of ten or fifteen m

he assembled jewelers gazed upon a spectacle unknown and undreamed of in the history of the world-a great, glittering heap of diamonds, flashing, colorful, prismatic, radiant, bedazzling. The

ds," Mr. Wynne announced calmly. "They are all perfect, every one of them; and they're mine. I k

The German importer came to his feet with one vast Teutonic oath, then sat down again; Mr. Solomon plunged his hand into the blazing heap and laughed senselessly. The o

ted supply. I will bind myself to secrecy, as you must; I will guarantee that no stone from the same source is ever offered in the market or privately, while you

e was not a sou

tion in value," he went on. "How to hold this tremendous reserve secretly and still permit the

ap and replaced them in the leather bag. The ot

r a portion of the stones now cut and ready; within a year all the diamonds will have been delivered and the transaction must be closed." He hesitated an instant. "I'm sorry, gentlemen, if the terms seem hard, but I

minutes, three minutes passed and no one spoke. At

ed, "dat young man has a hell o

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