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Seduced Into the Boss's Service


Word Count: 1571    |    Released on: 07/10/2023

nto the comfortable seat, her mind still processing her recent actions. She knew it was morally questionable, but she felt she had no oth

widened in astonishment, her heart a mix of emotions. Tears welled up as she realized Mr. McKenney wasn't joking; he had indeed fulfilled

ved from an unknown number. Opening the mes

reetings, my lo

e: Hel

ave you seen th

ir, I have. Tha

at's just the be

e than this, and I promise you that. I

Sir. Your kindness

Goodnight, my


had gone offline. She had been relying on their conver

g. "I really hope the surgery goes well," she whispered, lost in thought. "I

e surgery," she told the receptionist, her voice filled with determination. The receptionist efficiently processed the $10,000 pa

ext day, she made her way directly to the intensive care unit. There, her sister lay motionless, connected to vari

mbled with emotion. "I wish I could ease

tice when Jane entered the room and fou

Jane's gentle voice broke the silenc

e," Annette replied, recalling

urned to Annett

did i

working with him," Annette said with a hint of jest,

bel yourself like that," Jane's response

actically selling my body for money,

freely as they clung to each other. "It's okay, everything wil

. "He wants me to go with him to Greece in two weeks, but I told him Cassie wouldn't be o

le you're gone, but promise

ioned, "What

man, Annette. He'll o

ady know that? I'm not blind. Mr. McKenney would never go for so

trying to look out for you. You're fam

Jane's cheek. "We'll get thro


" Jane's words brought a

that's left is for it to go well tomor

Jane's disbelief

n you be

, explaining, "I really wish I could be here for the surgery

derstand. I'll k

f you need anything, just give

of yourse

, placing a kiss on Cassie's forehead and hugging Annette b

As the morning sun cast its gentle rays through the window, the room seemed to take on a glimmer of hope. Nurses came a

's heart raced with a mixture of fear and optimism. She held tightly ont

nette whispered words of encouragement to her si

into the operating theater. She paced back and forth in the waiting area, her thoughts consu

as she rushed over to the doctor. The surgeon's eyes held a mix of exhaustion and relief as they met Annette's gaze. With a gentle

ne to tell her the surgery was a success and th

attention back to the hospital room window, watching the sunset cast warm hues across the sky. The weight that

whispering words of encouragement. The rhythmic beeping of the monitors and the soft hum of th

Annette's heart skipped a beat as she rushed to her sister's side. Cassie managed a weak smile

took Cassie's hand in her own. "Welcome

a little wider. "I

"Yes, you are. And you're going to

she placed a kiss on her sister's

egained her strength. Physical therapy sessions became a regular part of

for her to go to Greece with Mr McKenney was close by and she didn't know how t

chopping vegetables, she quietly pondered, "Hopefully she would understand." Her emotions were a blend of trepidation and anticipation — the fear of potential heartbreak contrasting with

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