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Alpha's Gift

Alpha's Gift


Chapter 1 The Gift

Word Count: 2185    |    Released on: 07/10/2023

t with her friends, and went to bed. She was content with her

ge light in the sky. The light got closer and closer, until it la

ndsome man with silver hair and piercing blue eyes. He was we

he man said. "My

ess. She didn't

" Alpha said. "A gift that wi

t know wha

a's forehead. She felt a surge of

Alpha said. "You can use it to hea

ed. She couldn

me?" sh

passionate person," Alpha said.

you," A

Alpha said. "And remem

appeared in a

ened. She couldn't believe that she had been given the gift of healing

a homeless man sitting on a bench. He had a

s forehead. She felt the energy flowing from her hand

in amazement. "Thank you,"

w that she had found

h all sorts of injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to serious broken bones

e had to be careful not to abuse her power. She also had to be careful not to let anyone know

s bullying a younger boy. Anya couldn't stand to see someone being pic

igger and stronger than her, and they di

Anya. She lost her balan

nch Anya. She tried to defend hers

thing strange happened. Her eyes glowed with a bright white lig

e looked down at the bullies, who were st

ad just happened. She didn't know how s

t was going on with her new powers. She also knew that she had to be

room. She didn't want to see anyone or ta

She tried to focus on her new powers. She

lowing through her body. She opened her eyes and

was starting to g

to control the intensity of the light and how to focus it on specific a

mpowered. She knew that she had to be careful with her new po

e wanted to see if she could help the homele

the same bench. He was dirty a

o the man and asked

man said. "But I

pulled out a sandwich and a bottle

e man said. "Yo

d. "You're

a learned that his name was John and tha

d. "But then I lost my job and I couldn't aff

eavy heart. She couldn't believe that

d. "I want to get you off the

surprise. "You would do

ya said.

place to live. She also helped hi

knew that he wouldn't have been able

group of people gathered around a burning building. A wo

ran to the building and

found the woman trapped in a bur

said. "I'm going to

and then lifted her out. The woman

heered. Any

o help people. She knew that she had to be careful, but s

led the sick, helped the homeless, and protected the inn

wing her. The man was tall and thin, with dark hair and piercing bl

ed, but she didn't show it. She kep

his eyes on her back. She was scared, but she didn't wan

urned around an

you?" s

meone who is very inter

following me?

you are," the man said. "Ho

y. She didn't know how to e

u," the man said. "I just

d trust the man, but she also knew that she

ya said. "I was given the

ened in surprise.

" the m

"Alpha is a mysterious being w

he said. "And why did A

Anya said. "He

. "Well, I'm sure Al

ya's forehead. Anya felt a surge o

r," the man said. "You

aid. "I'm trying

, I must be going. But I'l

way. Anya watched him go, f

e couldn't. She kept thinking about what he had said. Sh

knew that she couldn't ignore the man. She had to f

park. She hoped to see the man aga

dn't find the man anywhere. She was starting t

g out of the corner of her

ark. In the middle of the clearing was a stran

. She didn't know what it was, but she

in the side of the machi

an said. "I'm so gla

ess. She didn't

ou," the man said. "I ha

it?" An

he man said. "I want you t

or what he was planning. But she also knew that she

said. "I'll help yo

Good," he said. "

the machine. The doo

room. The room was filled with a

is place?"

ons," the man said. "This i

our plans?"

man said. "A world order where everyone is

he had never heard an

oing to do tha

n said. "You have the po

excited about the possibilities. She had always wanted to make

"I'll help you crea

od," he said. "Now,

helped him with his plans and she u

and inventor. He had developed a

heal any injury. The machine was still in the prototype stage

s inventions was a devi

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