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Behind Closed Doors with the Billionaire Next Door

Chapter 2 Weird Neighbor

Word Count: 2055    |    Released on: 09/10/2023


all started meeting at the Cafe after work and we eventually became friends. "Shit." I blink, as the ping of another message snaps me out of my thoughts. Vera: She's probably at work, working her ass off. The poor girl. Shanice: LMFAOOO I shake my head rolling my eyes as I type. Me: Unfortunately for you, Miss Shan Ice, I purposely type out her name like that, she hates when we call her that but I just live teasing her about it. Me: I am at home, enjoying my fat ass. I add a cool emoji and press send before replying to Rayna. Me: @rayray Mama's here, Babygirl. Fear not. I'm about to drop my phone when I suddenly remember. Me: you guys would believe what just happened to me! Shanice: Spill!!! Or I'll beat your ass for calling me that shit of a nickname. Vera: Speak, my child. Rayna: You finally gave in to sleep with that hot project manager of yours? What the hell? I chuckle as I type back. Me: Hush, you man lover that's not it. I press send and at the same time, Shanice and Vera's messages come in. Vera: Get it, girl!! I knew you will finally see what we've all been showing you. Shanice: Omg!!! Is this call from celebration?! These crazy girls! Always trying to hook me up with Dante. It's not gonna happen!! I send an eye roll emoji and type back. Me: No, that's not it. It's about my new neighbor. He literally tried to break down my door thinking it was his and my God, is he rude? Yeah. I just can't stand him! I press send and tap my feet waiting patiently for their response. What the hell is taking them so long? A message enters but before I can see it, I get a call from Harry. "Oh my God, Danika!! Sweetie!" Harry's voice crackles through the phone, his voice pitch higher than normal. "Skip to the fucking point Harry. Why was a man, a military man, trying to break down my door in broad daylight." I cut him off, pressing the phone to my ears with one hand and the other on my hips. Harry takes a deep breath, "I'm so sorry, Dani. I should've told you earlier, but it was all so sudden. The higher-ups at the company decided to allocate that apartment next to yours to someone important. I didn't even have a chance to inspect it. They called me and instructed me to get it ready for the new tenant." I roll my eyes, "Great, so now I have a grumpy military neighbor who almost bashed my door in." Harry sighs, "I know it's inconvenient, but I promise you, this guy is a big deal. I had no choice in this, and I really didn't want to drop it on you without warning. Please try to manage with him." "Yeah, yeah," I mutter, "I'll manage. Doesn't mean I have to like him." Harry chuckles sarcastically, "Well, your charm and friendliness are going to win him over, I'm sure. Since you are ever so nice too." "Excuse you?" I rear back, as Harry laughs and changes the topic quickly, "Speaking of winning people over, how's everything with Rayna?" Nah-uh. I'm not talking Rayna with Hardy today. I've had it with his obsession with her. If he wants her then he should talk to her. "Oh, Rayna? Yeah, she's good. Really good. Anyway, things are fine on my end. Talk to you soon." I hang up before he can say anything, I know how long I was going to be on the call if I entertain Harry's interest in Rayna. I sigh, rolling my eyes before my legs take me back to the curtain again and before I know I'm peeping outside the window again. I glance out the window, only to see him disappearing into his apartment, probably done making a racket for now. With a sigh, I return to my phone and the ongoing group chat. There's a bunch of messages from them, talking about how I have a ma

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