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Broken: Healing Her Heart

Chapter 2 Larissa At work

Word Count: 2846    |    Released on: 10/10/2023

y stream of patients slowed to a mere trickle. Between her deep concerns over Annie H

g sun sliding up the horizon in the east. The be

headed in the direction of the small, beautiful, white church steeple clearly visible between the leaves of the trees. She was glad it was Memorial Day weeke

eyes open with an effort. Maybe it was better to forgo church services and head home since she was likely to

try to get back on a day-shift schedule. The worst part about

staggered over to shut it off. Every cell in her body cr

outside at the bright sunlight. What she needed was a good rush of adrenalin. She tugged her running gear on, pulled her wa

shaded by towering trees, she felt every one of her muscles relax into an exhilarating rhythm. Other than be

oying the water. She lived in a small apartment building outside of town without direc

ship and to get far away from the high crime rate of Chicago. The night the cops busted up a

utely loved it he

orbike. She hugged the side of the trail, peering over her shoulder

ifled a sliver of unease. One wrong move on this

o get out of harms way. But she landed off balance, her foot slipping on loose rocks and branche

knees and the palms of her hands were scraped r

ain. Great. Just what she needed a sprained

to believe the guy had the nerve to come back after the reckless stunt hed pulle

down. She scrambled out of the way, grasping the trunk of a tree for support as the motorbik

a silent prayer, thanking God for her safety, before she finally let go of the tree and hobbled back onto the trail. She limp

f to relax; there was no reason the driver of the motorbike would decide

ith ear buds tucked into his ears blocking out the noise. Personally, she didnt get why anyone would want

shouldnt have been surprised; shed passed him on the running trails befor

What happened? She willed her heart rate not to jump as he stepped closer, concern darkening his warm, brown eyes. She cleared her

s on her knees before he gently prodded her ankle. She sucked in a s

lightly. I realize Im just a nurse, but

lopsided smile. You should probably g

ant do that until the swell

a few days, he agreed, rising to his feet. C

needed was to cozy up to Gabe for two and a half long miles. Theres no need for yo

Leaning on me is way better than using a stick, and my

oing all the way to her apartment. She reluctantly nodded. All right. But I

ily, shortening his

. I wish I knew who that motorbike driver was, she muttered in an attempt to distract

inkle, Gabe said. Ive taken car

made her feel sorry for him. Do y

he last time Tommy was in the ER was because he was under arrest for driving under the influence. He bragged that his d

r Annie. Im getting the feeling it

en Gabes arm tightened around her waist, drawing her to a halt. There,

r right ankle still throbbed like crazy. Not to mention, bein

to let her guard down with Gabe.

ng on to her like this hadnt been the brightest idea hed ever had. She fit against his side perfectly, her slight frame hiding a strength he couldnt help but admire. Her a

time that she was an ER nurse, which

m grit his teeth in anger. Larissa was right, the kid was a menace, but

thing wrong?

own in surpr

tighter and tighter, she admitted.

he said, relaxing his grip. I was getting mad t

m trying to take heart in the fact tha

snt accustomed to having women over, it wasnt as if he could drag Larissa all the way to town on foot. He knew she lived in the same apartment complex

lly approached the driveway. Only ninety more feet

if wounded. Do I really look lik

generally live a much higher

nurses? The ones who set their sights on marrying a doctor? And when they didnt get what th

murmured. You must lov

was out of his life, for good. Three more feet and they were up to his

, she respo

osest chair. Thanks, she said with a sigh. Feels good to sit down for a

. Didnt she realize there was blood oozing out from th

his bathroom cabinet, finding everything he needed: dressings, tape, and antibi

d with a hint of defensiveness. And I washed

ith soapy water. He brought it over and knelt beside her. This might hu

up. Whats the matter? he asked when he finished putting fresh dressings

d his gaze. Thanks so much. Its a good thing Im off work fo

or. Hell write you an excuse to

to get back to your run, so if you could j

irst, lets wrap up this ankle. The swelling hadnt gotten too much worse, which was a good sign since shed been walking on it

sounded strained

. He pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to her. After taking a swig of his own water, he took a bag

Too funny. I have a bag of frozen p

smile. I bet every runner has

e recapping the bottle. So, is there anything else you

r but stopped himself just in time. Ill drive you

held him around the waist with the other. It was a short distance, but he f

he got the sense she was avoiding him for some reason. Afte

pite her protests that shed be fine. Do you need a

ter, she barely got out before she

e turning to make his way back outside to his car. The thoug

ted, through no fault of her own she annoyingly inf

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