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Love’s Fine Print

Love's Fine Print


Chapter 1 It's All a Mess

Word Count: 1921    |    Released on: 12/10/2023

ered running to my room. "You...you're...you...you're awake! why didn't you wake me up, we are going to be late to work again." I said running around our small apar

to hold my arm. "Mom I'm ok, really... and nothing is going to happen to me, okay? So don't worry so much". "Stacy" .... My mom called softly. "Mom I'm 26 years old, and mom some of my school mates have kids already" I said giving her a pouty look. "Ok my dear, I won't hold you back anymore, just be care and bring home a presentable husband one day, he shouldn't be as ugly as your dad, you're so lucky you got my gorgeous looks" she said joking. "Oh mom" I replied with a laugh, "ok mom I'm going to start preparing to leave for work, we talked for so long it's getting late again". I took a shower then ironed my uniform for the night, my mom was already tired and was resting in her room. "Just hang in their mom, I'll get us out of this awful state" I said to myself before leaving the house. I got to work late and got scolded by my boss, and now I have to do overtime, "Hey Sam" I said to my close co-worker, "Hey Stacy, what happened this time? You're late again". "I was with my mom, and I got carried away". "Stacy!" A voice called she looked up and seeing it was her boss, she immediately ran to him. "Yes sir" "Take this to the customer on table 15 in the VIP section". He said handing me a basket filled with expensive bottles of wine. I got to the table and saw an old with barely any hair on his head, he had two strippers sitting with him, if not for the money I wouldn't work in this kind of place. "Sir here's your order" I said and attempted to walk away but he called me back. "My goodness you are so pretty miss" he said while scanning my body from top to bottom, I immediately felt this man had no good intentions, and my thoughts were confirmed by his next line". "Do you mind spending the night with me, I'll pay you double of what I'll pay these two altogether" he said referring to the strippers with him who had already started glaring daggers at me. "Sir my job is to serve to customers as a waiter and also bartender, there are many other strippers you can choose from, and with that I'll be on my way, enjoy your wine sir" I said and walked away really fast, I rushed to stand next to Sam, who noticed my discomfort. "Stacy are you Ok? you look pale, are you fine?" He asked looked extremely worried. "Don't worry about it Sam I'm ok now". Said then noticed my boss walking towards me and Sam and my guts told me he was coming to scold me for something again. I quickly put on a neutral look on my face before turning to face him. "Good evening again sir" I greeted staring at him with a serious face. "What's good about the evening? Hmm Stacy tell me, exactly what is good about this evening after what you have done!" He said slightly raising his voice. "Sir I don't understand what you're talking about, what did I do?" "Really? What did do? You are really asking me that?!, why don't you quit working here and go work as an actress!" "Sir I'm still confused as to what I did and why I'm getting scolded". "Stacy Bennet, just see your work for this month as charity. Is that clear?" "Don't do that sir, you can't do that! I don't even know what I did wrong!" "Stacy, you

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