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Chapter 5 A pair of twins

Word Count: 1725    |    Released on: 21/10/2023

n her once and had only greeted her once when the two of them were married. That was all. His chest ached, and

scene, but the child in her womb was saved," sai

imed Ardan, screa

t. "Twins, the pregnancy is already full t

ren now, Doc?" asked

answered the doctor wit

doc?" asked A

a must also be immediately moved

e costs!" exclaimed Ardan, "I can cover

hat Mr. Ardan must know and understand first," said the

sked Ardan, with his

tion,'' the docto

lier and also the doctor's expression now. Ardan, with a very heavy heart, finally surrendered a

get rid of the bad things that are on his mind. He still really

octors who handled Mr. Arga's condition. Mr. Arga will find it very difficult to get through... Most likely, Mr. Arga will find it very, very difficult to get through tonight," continued the doctor, very careful with his words. ''So o

d the doctor's words saying that there was no longer any hope of life for his older brother. Various mischief that he had done as a child until he became a



a simple, traditional Banten-styl


after the sound of

kum salam

the house, she immediately ran towards the livin

said kindly as sh

at the face of the young g

she didn't recognize him. Aruna didn't open the door wide and had held it a little. She w

he man, frowning, "You blocked it... I

polite as possible. Even though she was annoyed by the rude beh

answered Ar

a asked again, still trying to maintain

Gavin,'' he answ

, he's out," said

the man exclaimed in a slightly high tone,

na refused firmly, "I don't

at home. She was afraid that this stranger w

t me go in first, I have something important for you too,'' he continued again, s

this time, "You can't come in, you're a guest, you have t

dan..." said Ardan, slightly suppressing his voice but trying to be friendly,

himself hadn't slept in the past few days. Plus, he was also in a hurry about his older brother's bu

remained unperturbed. She will not be afraid because she feels she is not w

probing, ''Let me take a look at yo

ed Ardan irritably w

rdan's body was tall and muscular. Not to mention his messy, long-hair

n was considered a stranger to her. Ardan raised a thumbs up with her vigilance as a woman. But, he thought

ard, ''Muhammad Ardan Wiryawan, how is it?... Can I come in

t be careless!" exclaimed Aruna, imm

ng curtly, ''Come on, hurry up!" he s

!" exclaimed Aruna, a

ised face this time. He was annoyed but couldn't

d Aruna loudly, pointing at the

l that it's different... That's an old photo. I'm an adult man now. That's my ID car

ace is scary..." said Aruna, surprised by her wor

will be different from the appearance of my face now

hand covering her mouth. "Runa you fool... But... that doesn't matter, he's visiting but he's being obtru

?... I've been called Sir, and now I'm being told that my face is scary,'' Ar

hen she heard Ardan's complaint, "That was an honest expression of m

ant to add to the teasing?!!" exclaimed

an to tease you at all...'' said Aruna convincingly with her innocent face, ''I swear!'

argument with Aruna, ''Now I have more important things to do. "You, and Gavin to

ra asked again with a firm face, "The photo on the ID card is v

tably, "You're being too suspicious

s that I'm not accusing you. But, being alert is mandatory... I'm

had risen earlier, ''Then, what should I do? So you can be sure... There'

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