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Silk and Steel: Forbidden Desires

Silk and Steel: Forbidden Desires


Chapter 1 The Gilded Cage

Word Count: 1587    |    Released on: 12/10/2023

ing cut through the heavy veil of Bella's dreams, jolting her awake. She groaned, rubbing

more fit for a princess than a teenager. The clock read 6:30 AM, a cruel reminder th

elite. The Livingston name was synonymous with power and wealth, and Bella was their only child, the heir to their

m. It was a space that rivaled the most opulent spas, with marble countertops, golden

anquility. Bella walked toward the expansive vanity mirror that spanned the length of one wall. As she sto

ance. Her porcelain complexion was flawlessly smooth, untouched by the blemishes that often plagued te

ck in a cascade of soft waves. It was her one physical attribute that she took

that simmered beneath her composed exterior. They were framed by dark, expressive eyebr

stament to the hours spent with personal trai

her only value in the eyes of her parents. It was a double-edged sword, a gift and a curse, for it w

orning routine. With practiced grace, she proceeded to cleanse her fa

emblematic of the exclusive academy she attended. It was the best money could buy, j

ushed conversation at the marble island in the center of the sprawling kitchen. They barely ackno

chimed. Her father, Richard, simply nodded in h

ng much more from them. She had long

indows, she watched as her parents prepared to leave for their respective activities. It was

ossed in a phone call, his brow furrowed in concentration. He barely glanced in Bella's dire

dressed in a designer pantsuit, meticulously arranging her schedule for the day on her tablet. Her lips move

and commitments, Bella felt the familiar pang of isolation. It was a loneliness that had becom

, opulent dining area. The grandeur of the mansion seemed to mock her as she sat in so

ella couldn't help but won

warm presence suddenly entered the room. The soft click of heels against the polished marble floor drew

ndness amidst the cold grandeur of the mansion. She was more than just an emp

own eyes crinkling at the corners as she spoke. Her voice carrie

ual routine, and she hadn't expected anyone to remember. Yet, here was Lupe, with a radiant smile and birthday wishes that filled the room wit

de. She stood up from her seat and accepted the warm embrace th

le something for you, señorita Bella," she said, her tone conspiratorial as sh

with a pendant shaped like a flower. It was a simple yet elegant piece of jewelry that captured her attention. The

upe's gesture was more than just a birthday gift; it was a reminder that even ami

ssion accomplished. "I'm glad you lik

her for the day, and Bella was out the

car glided through the manicured streets of her affluent neighborhood

resentment gnawing at her heart. It was a sentiment she had become al

urring theme throughout her life. As the luxurious car glided through the city streets, Bel

are moments stood out like glimmers of warmth in a sea of indifference. There had been the extravagant parties, attended by society's elite, whe

p in their busy lives to spend time with her. Her father's business meetings and her

ents' wealth and status had always taken precedence over her emotional needs. It was a stark remind

chool, and Bella was jolted back to the present. She stepped o

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1 Chapter 1 The Gilded Cage2 Chapter 2 The Outlier3 Chapter 3 The Party4 Chapter 4 The Grand Affair5 Chapter 5 The Path Forward6 Chapter 6 A Bittersweet Triumph7 Chapter 7 A Journey to Greece8 Chapter 8 First evening in Greece9 Chapter 9 The Shocking Encounter10 Chapter 10 Forbidden Desire11 Chapter 11 Facing Him12 Chapter 12 Last days in Greece13 Chapter 13 Decision14 Chapter 14 New Beginnings15 Chapter 15 Party Time!16 Chapter 16 Decision17 Chapter 17 Confession Time18 Chapter 18 Rejection19 Chapter 19 Mending a Broken Heart20 Chapter 20 Birthday Party21 Chapter 21 Birthday Party(2)22 Chapter 22 Wild Night23 Chapter 23 His Command24 Chapter 24 Back to Reality25 Chapter 25 Night Reflections26 Chapter 26 Red Roses27 Chapter 27 Feeling Unwell28 Chapter 28 Shocking News29 Chapter 29 New Path30 Chapter 30 New Reality31 Chapter 31 Reality and Phone Calls32 Chapter 32 A Joke33 Chapter 33 Bad Memories34 Chapter 34 Silence35 Chapter 35 Revealing the Truth36 Chapter 36 Family Betrayal37 Chapter 37 Escape38 Chapter 38 Family Drama39 Chapter 39 New Reality40 Chapter 40 Searching For Bella41 Chapter 41 Investigation42 Chapter 42 Settling In43 Chapter 43 Farm Life44 Chapter 44 Memories and Rage45 Chapter 45 Betrayal46 Chapter 46 The Moment of Truth47 Chapter 47 A Glimpse48 Chapter 48 The Search49 Chapter 49 Finding Her50 Chapter 50 Hello, Bella51 Chapter 51 Let's Talk52 Chapter 52 See You Tomorrow53 Chapter 53 First Date54 Chapter 54 Your choice55 Chapter 55 Sorry, What 56 Chapter 56 You're Mine57 Chapter 57 Do You Love Him 58 Chapter 58 Dessert59 Chapter 59 Anticipation60 Chapter 60 Unexpected Reunion61 Chapter 61 Shadows of Deception62 Chapter 62 Unveiled Promises63 Chapter 63 Unveiling Desires64 Chapter 64 Morning After65 Chapter 65 A Clash of Emotions66 Chapter 66 First Day of Marriage67 Chapter 67 Unforeseen Turmoil68 Chapter 68 High-Flying Anticipation69 Chapter 69 The Clash70 Chapter 70 Gifts and Passion71 Chapter 71 Confession and Betrayal72 Chapter 72 Shock73 Chapter 73 Unexpected Call74 Chapter 74 Swimming Pool75 Chapter 75 Passion and Choices76 Chapter 76 Peace Offering77 Chapter 77 The Meeting78 Chapter 78 Moment of Truth79 Chapter 79 Just Let Go80 Chapter 80 Good Morning81 Chapter 81 Reflection82 Chapter 82 Back to Reality83 Chapter 83 New Reality84 Chapter 84 Reunion85 Chapter 85 Panic Attack86 Chapter 86 New Home87 Chapter 87 Party88 Chapter 88 Passion and Confusion89 Chapter 89 Frustration90 Chapter 90 Divorce91 Chapter 91 It Hurts92 Chapter 92 A New Arrival93 Chapter 93 Let Go94 Chapter 94 Doubt95 Chapter 95 A Chance96 Chapter 96 Kidnapped97 Chapter 97 Sleeping Beauty98 Chapter 98 Truth and Despair99 Chapter 99 Twisted Honeymoon100 Chapter 100 Finding Her