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The Lunar Curse: Bloodline of the Howling Moon

The Lunar Curse: Bloodline of the Howling Moon

Author: Elijah07

Chapter 1 Secrets of the Everwood.

Word Count: 744    |    Released on: 15/10/2023

e her family's estate. Everyone called it the Everwood, and it was a place of wo

ne for short walks along the familiar paths, but today, she wanted to go further than ever bef

elt like an explorer in a storybook, discovering a hidden world just beyond her back

est, tales of magical creatures and ancient spirits that protected the woods. Amelia had grown up believi

ll in her chest. It was as if the heart of the forest was calling to her, beckon

er legs. She couldn't help but smile at the beauty that surrounded her. Birds sang overhe

e of a hidden stream. As she walked, the forest seemed to whisper its secrets to her.

curiosity and fascination. He had lived on the outskirts of the Everwood for as long as he could

to the Everwood had piqued his interest. He had often wondered what it was that drew her to the ancie

he center of the clearing stood a majestic oak tree, unlike any she had seen before. Its bra

er fingers made contact, a shiver ran down her spine, and she felt a sur

ard a soft, almost musical voice, as if the tree

cient oak, he felt a deep sense of recognition. He knew he wasn't the only one with a

oke in a voice that seemed to resonate with the very heart of the forest. "The Everwood has chosen

from the realization that she was now part of something much bigger. She had found E

secrets seemed to unfurl before them. Amelia had no idea where this journey would lead, but sh

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