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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 2418    |    Released on: 17/10/2023

stuttered.Being this close to him she can smell his masculine male scent mingled with his showe

bed with him buried deep inside her heat in a matter of seconds.She should've known he

aded away.It was just them in this moment.Avery was spellbound.His hand went

ged,exposing the curve of her neck to his hungry gaze. Her breat

yes told her he can and he will have her again.Dear lord help her because she wants that too.A silent gasp slip past her dry lips when he softly kissed her erratic pulse at the base of her neck."Still as soft as I remember,still so delicious

ainst him.His length stood hard and erect between them.A low moan of need almost escaped

of resistance flew out the window as she kissed him back.Her mouth opened wider under his when he deepene

ool touch of his hand made her tremble even more,it went higher moving over her rib cage,the gentle stroke

ten on her,the rhythm of his kiss changed the urgency with which his mouth slashed across her

othing.Avery felt something soft on her back and realized they are lying on the bed.He continued his gentle strokes on h

n her throat,to her chest,he was about to dispose o

said from the other side o

outhed but he refused,he didn't even seem bothered or stressed out that his sister was on the other side of the door.If anything he looked irritated by the interrupti

u not answerin

the bathroom.I'll cal

starting to arrive and Ke

re were we."He referred to her.Avery quickly moved a

issed me.I work for your sister and I love what I'm doing I'm not about to lose my j

d handed it to her."The hotel I'm staying and room nu

with him after what just happened now.Clearly he thinks so no wonder he's giving her his hotel name and room numbe

d.I would be so deep inside of you rig

,she couldn't even deny them."Go to hell Alexandro Ca

serious bodily harm.If she can that is.With his perfect physi

s nearly twelve by the time she climbed into her car and drove home.A

ple touch,how he'd almost come close to having her.She shuddered at the memory.How coul

ets him in he'll come to know of the triplets and she knows it won't end good for her.T

tached kind of fling and she can't not when she is keeping a se

la a second chance.She's very sneaky she couldn't get through to him now she's using his own mother to get his attention and all it does is ca

rs now he's been debating of relocating the business here,expanding it further but due to his w

stay and the more he thinks about it the more the thought grows.He has nothing left back home a

him to go back,all he can do is fly his mother out and let her come and live here w

he scars he has,he must fight his own demons first before he can even think of settling

hysically, especially physical even his mother has scars too.They have secrets,secrets no

uestions he won't be able to answer that's why he move

same bed with him because it might give them the wrong impression then they'll start to become clingy and h

an entire night or should he say weekend neither of them left his hotel room t

him because he wasn't in control of what he's feeling or experiencing everything is so new for him.He loves control and if he loses that th

r.This desire he has for her is so strong that it terrifies him.With her

they'd woken her up by making noise in their cribs.First Alex as usual than the girls,now she was busy prepari

ll never give her a loan and the last thing she wanted to do is ask her b

ctly what will happen if she doesn't help Nicole.Sighing she began to feed

Nicole and treat her like she's garbage and the manner with which he talks to her sister doesn't sit well on her."I told you never to bring him here ag

only has he introduced Nicole to this horrible lifestyle he has her eating out of the palm of h

r taken a bath."Avery asked."Or have y

."Nicole told him,after a moments hesitation he

ng about the money."No.An

following her inside to the

you incurred.Secondly I don't have that kind of

on the floor."I know you don't owe me anything Avery but you know people,I'm sure if you can talk t

glared at Nicole."What

oney working at the c

ing yourself right now.You expect me to go back to the club only to

heart stopping legs.No wonder boys were always attracted to you.I can even see how Brian looks at you,how all men look at

a mother I have responsibilities and obligations to these three lives.I


u even suggestin

e Mercedes and one can see he's rolling around in money.I'm sure if you can play your cards right and make him happy he'll give you anything you want."Avery stared at her sister in shock Nicole

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