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My Secret Lover

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 3537    |    Released on: 18/10/2023

ction Go

ng his brother for not coming. But then, Calan seemed to be dealing some secret problems. Why else

the reputation of a rake was very much more convenient. But the truth still remained that the mamas and their daughters had set their eyes on him. It was a

but he was still an eligible bachelor. And there s

ring and his father was not demanding an heir from him although he would be inheriting the Easton estate when the time came that Calan had to take over Haverston on

rude, sister of Lord Haverston. The woman had made it her mission to marry his two e

er was adamant that he had more pressing matters to attend to. Their aunt ha

conniving mother, Lady Prewitt, drew Adrien from his musings. Suddenly the great need to e

hed toward it casually and disappeared into an empty corridor. He looked over his

and dashed toward it. It was open. Thank

ark library and closed

al with the old woman with spirit running through the veins. He walked to pour himself a brandy from the small liquor cabinet


e was not always invited to such balls. Her being without a title and the daughter of a rich man who owned the two largest gentlemen's clubs in Willowfair were enough reasons. Women had always regarded the Mary and Angel Houses as their enemies. Their husbands and beaus were members and God could only b

d as what her friend Cressida might have believed. Yes, they had preserved the past by staying away from the changes aboveground, but they were still a society where wealth and status

ne from mellow and boring to drastic and desperate since Cress

for the person she had in

ed. The old, elegant woman who stood before her was a stranger but she offered a cur

their clips. She could not find a maid to do it for her earl

rtrude H


bother," Lady Gertrude said with a wave of her hand. "You do not know me. But I do kn

led warm

rely happen to have a lot of time," Lady Gertrude

the woman's choice of l

nderstand your need to find entertainment after your loss. Now, how do

why I am trying to find h

to introduce you to my nep

Lord Calan is

. "Whatever made you think I was ta

t-him-and mentally cringed at the thought. No, Adrien Haverston was not

nion I will be gone only for a short while. Maybe later?

irst anyway. Where is that dratted child?" Mary breathed a sigh of r

ary House. She had heard him speak of women during card games behind the thin walls that separated the gaming room from the private corridors of the club. She could

erston was a rake and he would prove to be more o

was honorable and by far the only member of the M


hought she could deal with that. She was not very much pretty herself to demand for someone with great looks as Adrien Havers

have chosen a less aggressive move if she had the time, but she di

in the Mary House that he was planning to attend the Macy ball. She hated that her rather bold threat to Lo

g the disparaging glances, and focused

hair, his height and built. There was no question in that. B


r head out and saw Preston enter through a door. She was about to fo

iends, Posy and Popsy were standing behind her as always ever since Mary had known them. Th

get rid of them fast or Pr


enly his privacy flew out the window. A

appreciate if you find another place.

you?" Preston asked,

about something other than a wedding proposal. "No. He

ton's oily face. "I ca

he is

. "Very well. I shall l

gratitude," he said wi

nd him looking for Calan meant his brother was working on a case. It was moments like this when he was runn

s. He leaned his head back on the back of the wing

was really, honestly, hoping to get a moment

en's eyes flew open. He straightened in his chair, alert. Some chit ha

brary. He ought to get up and leave but he found himself mesmerized by the way she was walking toward him-ge

ed themselves with. No, she smelled of fresh, woman scent with a hi

boldly toward him, her movement full of intent. Maybe

as wearing black and her hair was of the same color. Her skin was not as pale as that of the many ladies in the Town. No, they appeared to glow in the f

iffened and then backed away. Ad

der her breath. "I mistoo

irled her around to face him. The brandy had made the adventurous side of him come out, the one that wanted the thrill. And her skin, God, the mere touch o

ink I was?" he

e in the darkness but he saw a hint of long, thick lashes

"Oh, no, my lady, you a

ed. "Let me

er scent. His groin suddenly jerked to life. He w

r your lover

a short pause she added, "I

ou were disappointed th

caught herself. She nod

slid his hand up to her upper arm once more, reveling at its silky

I only planned on taki

y lady," he urged, craning hi

nowhere to run. She had walked intending to trap someone and now she found he

by her waist. Her hands went to his arms and pushed but he was bigger and strong

is a mis

e gasp of surprise that escaped her lips. She tried to push him away once more but he pressed her

Adrien groaned. He pushed her back to the door and pinned her hips with his as his hands began to slowly discover every inch of her. He urged her mouth to open for his tongue and when she did he dove inside, eag

lder and finally his hair, told Adrien that she was a bloody innocent. Yet when her hands came down from his head to

would bloody hell take more. His hands came forward to cover her breast

hat one part of his anatomy wa

breasts against his chest. Adrien groaned in her mouth. He tore his lips from hers and trave

reveal one breast. A moan of half-protest, half-wanting erupted fr


are getting there," he w

..please stop

her bare breast pressed against his chest. It took his entire control not to bend down and take her into his mouth again. He lifted his head and found her mouth in the darknes

ispered against

and turned, his jaw tight and hands clenched in contro

months. He had not even seen her face yet he had kissed her senseless. He heard the rustlin

hell! She would req

d that she was having the e

ffered, taking

the skirts of her gown and she fell backward. Adrien moved forward to catch her. She tried to save the fall by

rt stopped as the the bottles and glasses from the liquor cabinet swung forward and backward from where they were standing. Holding his breath and feeling helples

gasped in surprise.

and five or more pair of

n each ot



air r

r bedra

y tore his eyes away from the eyes crowding the doorway, he took the chance

e when he finally saw the w

Mary Fe

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