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The Addictive Stranger's Bed

The Addictive Stranger's Bed

Author: MsCowGirl

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 3080    |    Released on: 18/10/2023


to face my teasing colleagues, come Monday morning. Spinning on my nude stile

" The man replies, to w

se I work with, hence why I'm here looking for courage in liquid form and a decent man to complete my mission. Real smart, Lysandra. Come to a bar, su

uy... Virginity is just that, right. No. Not him Lysandra, you're not that desperate. Two beers later, still

tch onto the stool. I fall backwards in the most unattractive way possible... looking quite similar to a emu who hasn't been t

tantly a strong male scent hits me. God he smells good! I s

" I go to walk past him only to have him wrap an arm around my waist as I sway slightly, only now no

y. After all the man did save m

large arm is curved along the back of it. "Would you like a drink?" He questions. I take sneak peaks at the

finitely in his thirties and to be honest I feel so short and tiny compared to his large build, although he does seem bigger then the average

d. What the... Slowly but surely my eyes close and I lean into his touch. Involuntarily my legs cross and I'm pleasantly shocked by the reaction c

man says something however I'm too preoccupied to even comprehend it. We break the kiss a silent agreement for s

. Mission de-flowering is underway. We pull up outside a

reception, all the while I force myself not to droll over his clearly muscular body. He thanks the black haired woman and grabs the card off her. She blushes

wrap my arms around his neck. I then tug his bottom lip between mine. I sure hope I'm doing this correct because I'd like to

en dared to share saliva with me. I'm all into that kind of dangerous stuf

s and we kiss our way out of the metal box,

up the stairs due to the soreness between my legs, memories of the mysterious man floods my mind... I snap out of my day dream when I realize why I'm standing in front of a strang

ugh the door, it doesn't seem like anyone's going to answer it any time soon. I run my free hand down the length of my pencil skirt as loud voices begin to fill the air and finally I come to the

ow looking at me curiously. I can't believe she'd do this too me! Just when I'm about to give up hope and leave I hear a strong voice. A deep familiar voice, one that had whispered sweet nothings to m

y eyes slightly, so t

much energy! She clutches onto my hand and tries to pull me with her, unfortunately for her alt

have to meet hi

r touches the shoulder of a man, who turns in reply. The man clamps a hand to my mother hip and I watch shocked as he plants a lar

his is my daughter, Lysandra..."

nd after two shakes. "It nice to meet you, Andrew." I smile, pushing a loose strand beh

can reply a stranger hands me a plastic cup, filled with what looks like beer. I lift the cup to my lips but before I can take

ion changes slightly. I narrow my eyes at him when I see him look down my body. Must he be

men before following me w

lous! I have work to finish and staying here is clearly a waste

bout work for once!

oking my leg with a stick. "Pee-pee!" She demands r

"take her to the


e practice for wh

I stand u

ther while walking to us, "please

the kid who is now jumping from one foot to the other. She leaps into my embrace and I pray to the heavens the

Oh lord! All of a sudden a firm hand rests on the small of my back, it pushes me down the hall and I look behind myself to find the stranger who'd taken me to unknown height

er pants and I lift her up and place her on the seat, looking away to give her som

nice." I

he questions, po

y brows. "

ll you, Pee-pee.

room. The man is leaning against the opposite wall, I watch him. Ariel tugs my skirt so I bend down to her level. "

girl, "but you're a fa

hile the man watches. "What are you doing here?" I question, finally when the silence begin

e bathroom door, which he locks. "You were gone in the morning..." is he accusing me of something? I'd told him last night that all I wanted

uld have be

y back is against the wooden door. He leans down a

of his warm breath against my

t between my neck and shoulder

, although he doesn't move. "Stop." I look away from him

so reluctan

had a choice! I mentally shut out the stupid voice in my head. "It was the alcohol." I use the only excuse I can think of, "bes

He murmurs str

my mother before leaving, I better tell her I've left... after all it's not like she's doing something tragically horrendous and I guess all I can do now is support her. I push the loose

he looks down at me innocently. You know my moth

one will..." I sigh. I smile at Andrew when he wraps a arm around my mothers waist. "It's

d thing. I mean at least now my mother will stay put and hopefully act her age, the woman is so immature, it's ridiculous really. Step-father, huh... That reminds me I need to contact my fathe

you two too your party.

y from Andrew and my mother, but before I can make it off the land which the actual house is placed on, the

fore turning and waving at my mother who is now looking at me curiously. I groan as Andrew makes he's way towards us. Why mus

cking an arm over the strangers shoulde

"Define met... it's ni

re is Diana'

kel looks at A

aughter, is there a prob

ysandra, he doesn't have

it have to be your soon-to-be uncle!? I tell the voice in my head to keep it's comments to it's self as I am already panicked enough. But the thoughts keep coating every inch of my

'll definitely be as m

ord h

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