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Chapter 2 Moving in

Word Count: 7395    |    Released on: 19/10/2023

replied...** “I don’t have time to spare having a pointless Conversation with you” Jessica mockingly laughs at Khloe and said.. “That’s because you don’t have anything to say

t she gifted him. “You’re welcome Grandpa. It was made with love.” Grandpa Julius replied “You’re amazing…” Jasper’s GrandAunt walks up to him “Good evening Aunt Cindy.” Aunt Cindy replied… “Hello Jasper. How have you been? it’s been a while since we last saw each other.” “I’ve been doing well Aunt Cindy.” “That’s good. Jessica told me that you broke up with her.” Jasper replied “I don’t want to talk about Jessica Aunt Cindy. she’s a cheat and a liar. Besides I have someone now.” Aunt Cindy looks over Jasper’s shoulder and glares at Khloe “I know, but Jessica is not that bad you know, I think you should give her another chance.” Aunt Cindy didn’t care that Khloe is standing next to Jasper but she was still talking about Jessica and persuading him to take Jessica back “You can’t just leave Jessica for a nobody.” Khloe heard what Aunt Cindy and she stands up for herself. “I’ve been hearing everything you’ve been saying to Jasper but I didn’t interfere. But you calling me a nobody is something I wouldn’t tolerate Aunt Cindy.” Aunt Cindy looks at her with no regard and said to Khloe. “Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?” “As you can see i’m here with Jasper. So does it ring a bell to you?” “It doesn’t mean a thing to me, it is only Jessica that I choose for Jasper.” Grandpa Julius walks in “Cindy that’s enough. If you don’t talk to Khloe with regard. I will ask you to leave.” Aunty Cindy was shocked by the words that came out of Grandpa Julius’s mouth. “Is that a joke?...” Grandpa Julius replied “You heard me clearly Cindy.” Aunt Cindy walks away in shame, then Khloe turns to Grandpa Julius. “Thank you Grandpa Julius.” Grandpa Julius replied “You’re about to become a Tate, it’s my duty to stand for you.” Khloe proceeds to enjoying the rest of her night and Jasper turns to her. “Can I have this dance? “Sure, besides it’s going to divert my mind from Aunt Cindy.” Jasper intertwine his arm around Khloe’s arm while they walk to the dance floor, and they are dancing to the rhythm of the song, everyone is applauding for them. Soon after the melodious song ends. They leave the dance floor. Jasper looks at Khloe and stretched his hand out while Khloe places her hand on his and they walked together to the stage. And he used a spoon to click a glass for everyone’s attention, when he got everyone’s attention” “I have an announcement…” Jasper takes Khloe’s hands and looks at her as he speaks “Khloe. You’ve been a very incredible and an amazing woman, you’ve completed every bit of me, you’ve made me a better person just by the day. I don’t know how my life would have been by now if you weren’t here by my side.” He puts his hand into his inner pocket and brings out a diamond ring and proposed to Khloe. her eyes were teary whims she smile and looks at the ring. Chapter Eight “Khloe will you marry me?” Khloe’s eyes widens as she sees the diamond ring and she replied. “Is this really happening? Someone should wake me up…” Jasper replied “Yes it is, I want to marry you” Everyone is watching, the guest murmuring. Jasper proceeds with his proposal “I know it is happening fast, but no one gets me like you do, no one I can imagine spending the rest of my life with and starting a family with, I never wanted anyone than I want you.” Khloe stares around the room at everyone watching her, many recording it on their phone. “Khloe said to herself, oh my gosh. This proposal is going to go viral” Grandpa Julius smiles, his eyes misty with tears and then he said. “This is the best birthday present today.” Amanda whispers from a distance to Khloe. “Khloe say yes!” Jasper replied “So what do you say Khloe?” “Yes jasper, i’d be so delighted to be your wife. I love you.” The crowd around them begins to cheer as Jasper slides the huge rock onto her finger. Grandpa Julius said in excitement. “Finally i’m getting a grandchild. Champagne for everyone and keep it coming” The celebration continues into the night. Khloe met so many people that night that she could not remember most of their names. Yet with everyone’s congratulations she only feel worse because it’s all fake. “Jasper, how do you manage to look calm and not bothered? I don’t feel good about all this.” “Why?...” “Because it’s all fake and see how everyone is happy about it and even congratulating us, especially Grandpa Julius, how would he feel when he finds out that all this isn’t even real?” “Don’t worry about that now Khloe, and trust me everything is going to be just fine.” “Okay Jasper, I hope so...” He kisses her on the cheek, his lips smelling of red wine, he then smiles down adoringly, skimming a hand along her jaw. “You’re so beautiful Khloe.” “And you’re so handsome, you look good as always, and also ravishing.” “Keep it coming baby, i’m glad you like what you see.” “Every bit of it...” Grandpa Julius walks up to the both of them excited about the announcement, chugging his champagne “Congratulations again, i’m so happy for the both of you, I have been drinking a lot of champagne, i’m so excited” Jasper replied “But grandpa you can’t take that much. You shouldn’t go home drunk.” “I’m the one celebrating, I need to enjoy myself. More champagne for me.” “I think I should get the driver to get you home.” Khloe replied “I would get the car.” Jasper replied “ No Khloe, don’t worry about it, I would do it myself.” Jasper leaves to get the car and soon enough Grandpa Julius leaves the event still holding a bottle of champagne on his hand. Aunt Cindy was not happy about the engagement. She walks up to Khloe with a fake smile. “Congratulations Khloe…” She pulls Khloe for hug, even when Khloe refused to hug her. “I won’t allow this marriage take place more less having a baby for Jasper.” She pulls away and walks out. But Jasper notice Khloe moods changed after Aunt Cindy left. “Khloe? are you okay?” “No, Aunt Cindy is threatening me that she wouldn’t allow this marriage happen, let alone allow me have a baby for you.” “Is that all you’re worrying about?” “Isn’t it something to worry about?” “She’s just blabbing. She can’t do anything. So you don’t have to bother yourself about her okay?” “I guess you’re right…” Jasper and Khloe leaves the venue in his car and he drives them home. “We did it. Khloe, you made everything feel so believable and you didn’t even stumble on your words. I must say, you really did a good job.” Khloe replied. “You can count on me to always keep my business clean.” “I can testify to that.” They both laugh it off, soon they reach Jasper penthouse, had their shower and off to bed after a busy day. The next morning Khloe got a beep on her phone. It’s Grandpa Julius. “I need to see you in my office.” That was what the message said. Khloe tries to call Jasper to tell him the about the message she got from Grandpa Julius. “Come on Jasper pick up, pick up.” The call goes into a voice mail. Then she sent a text him that says. Call me immediately you see my message. Khloe heads to Grandpa Julius office. She arrives at the office, Grandpa Julius looking furious, Khloe heart begins to pound as she stares at him. “Have a seat Khloe.” “Thank you, you asked me to come to the office.” “Yes Khloe, why did you have to lie about meeting Jasper in Yale University? When it’s a lie, Alex told me you did not attend Yale University. Why did you lie to me? Khloe’s heart skips a beat and she tried to be sincere with Grandpa Julius. “I’m sorry Grandpa Julius, I just had to say something that would make me fit in.” “You didn’t have to do that. Sincerity is all that matters, it doesn’t matter where you come from Khloe, do you want to know what happened to one of my dishonest staff?” “He got fired?” “Yes he lost everything he ever worked for, because I found out he has been lying.” “I’m sorry I lied Grandpa Julius, please give me one chance and I wouldn’t break your trust again, and I would try to regain your trust again.” “Alright Khloe, this one last time. Because i wouldn’t tolerate it next time, I hate lies” “Thank you Grandpa Julius.” Khloe exits Grandpa Julius office, walking straight to where Alexander Dumas is sitting looking furious “Why don’t you know how to mind your business? do you really have to meddle into everything that doesn’t concern you?” “Grandpa Julius was talking about you and he said you went to Yale University and I said you didn’t. I don’t know you told him you did.” “Oh my God Alex, can’t you just mind your business?” “I’m so sorry. We can go grab coffee and talk about it” “After messing up? you’re asking if we could go grab coffee.” “Maybe that’s my way of saying how sorry I am” Khloe follows him they both left the Tate enterprise to grab coffee at a coffee shop. “Khloe do you want hot chocolate coffee or a cold coffee?” “I would have hot chocolate coffee.” Alex calls the waiter” “We would both have hot coffee.” “Alright sir.” Alexander Dumas turns to Khloe. “There’s also something I learned about.” “And what could that be now?” “About your adoption…” Khloe mouth drops as her eyes widens “Who told you about that?” “I guess it’s not so important Khloe.” “I lost my parents when I was little, then I got adopted by my new parents.” “Sorry about that Khloe.” Alexander calls to the waiter without Khloe finishing the drink, suspiciously asking him to take the coffee cup away and he follows the waiter to get a new cup for Khloe. Then Alex comes back with a new cup “Here you go...” “But I wasn’t done with the other coffee.” “It had a stain on it...” “Alright then, but I didn’t see any stain.” Jasper arrive at the coffee shop “Jasper why didn’t you answer my call?” “I’m sorry Khloe I was in a meeting. By the way, what are you doing with this man?” “I’m here to have some coffee…” “With him?” Alexander Dumas replied “Yes Jasper…” “Why can’t you stay away from Khloe? you’re after the same East Plaza project and now you’re still after my woman!” “I’m not after your woman Jasper.” “Then what is all this? Following her around.” “I’m not following her around. But instead i’m pursing the East Plaza project. i’m flying out of the country tonight to finalize my deal with Mr Johnson and I will get this contract after that.” “Not under my watch.” Khloe separates the both of them before it gets any worse “Do you guys always have to do this all time? it’s starting to get irritating and annoying seriously.” Khloe grabs Jasper’s arms and they leave the coffee shop. Just then Jasper mentions the next phase of their contract. “Khloe I think we should move onto our next phase. We need to get married.” Khloe become speechless “Alexander said he’s traveling tonight to finalize his deal. And I can’t allow that happen, so in other for me to get this project we need to get married.” “I had no idea that it would be this early.” “Yes. I had no idea too, but I can’t allow Mr Dumas win this project so we have to do this Khloe.” “Are you ready for this?” “Yes i am ready i’m just a bit nervous.” “Don’t worry Khloe is not as bad as you think it is going to be a court marriage just between you, me and the priest” Wedding bells rings and its time to proceed to the second phase, jasper and Khloe got to the church and the priest is ready to welcome and pronounce the couples as husband and wife. “Are the of you ready to take your vows?” Jasper replied “Yes, we are and i wrote a special vow for my wife.” He proceeds to reading the vow he wrote for Khloe. “Khloe, I vow that we will be a family forever, i could never get bored of you, together we will always have trust because our promise of honesty and love will be our strength, i’ll stand by you forever, and i will always be there for you” i love you khloe and i want you to be my life partner forever and ever” khloe face is filled with love and her cheeks are already pink while she is listening to the special vows Japer wrote for her “Oh my goodness, these vows are absolutely beautiful! and i’m ready to be your life partner and on that note i also wrote a special vow for you” Jasper is surprised and eagerly waiting to hear khloe’s vows. khloe then proceeds to read her vows. “Through the highs and lows, i promise to stand by your side, forever and always. Together we’ll create a love story that’s timeless and filled with endless moments of joy and laughter. You’re my forever and i vow to love and cherish you, today and everyday.” Jasper is overwhelmed by the special vows she wrote to him and couldn’t help but smile and gave her a kiss on her cheeks. The priest is amazed by the love and affection the couples showered on each other. “I have never seen such a beautiful and loving couple as you and your wife would make a beautiful home together.” The priest proceeds after the vows “Ms. Khloe Adams do you take Mr. Jasper Tate as your lawfully wedded husband?” Khloe replied “Yes I do…” “Mr. Jasper Tate do you take Ms Khloe Adams as your lawfully wedded wife?” “Yes i do…” “You may kiss your bride.” The priest declares Khloe Adams and Jasper Tate as husband and wife. Soon Jasper and Khloe got to the house after a long day. “We had a very long day, but i am happy the marriage was a success.” Khloe replied “I was a bit nervous about getting married so early

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