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A Lady In Disguise

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 4565    |    Released on: 20/10/2023


onths l

n. It was located merely a few minutes out of Wickhurst and it c

passages and chambers sculpted to perfection, Rock'oles was home to many ric

ugh to become members, it did not so often assure a satisfac

ike princesses. They decided who may enter their private c

extravagant gifts they could offer the women for a chance to be chosen and if they were lucky enough to be endowed

merry time in the gaming halls with the women who would be kind eno

l Everard. Nicholas, a frequent visitor of Rock'oles, w

and Maxwell w

bers, their youngest brother Ralph was

d case of illegal slavery around the Town, a case that was being se

place," Ralph kept complaining as

re, you hypocrite," Nicholas sai

id! Until our m

is that?" Maxwe

Twas not my fault you slipped the name of the p

d his eyes at

said after a while. "Where is

irl. At the moment the woman was talking and laughing with

d his gaze and

stringent. As the youngest, it was quite difficult to

gh his hair in an attempt to put

is eyes to Ralph. "He tried. And

holas hissed. "But

aking a man forget hi

frustration. "You

m. "I was not aware

y are yo

you promised to pay f

nder why you have never been invited into a

slits. "There are quite a lot

e them behind their nape, not wear

oaned, leaning back into his chair. "You ar

in reply. Nicholas turned his

you seen the Hera

raphy ought to be hanged and who bloody prints the

"For a moment I thought you were o

d ought not to have allowed the Herald into their engagement ball, see? Those ph

d photographer into the engagement ball," Nicholas said,

d I did not bloody look

ll sh

ou looked more woman than Max,

Ralph's throat, Maxwell said, "B

bruise did show, did it not? They could have printed a photo from the

e heavens she now lives elsewhere," Ralph said wit

ard them. All three men straightened in their seats, their faces hopeful. But Tania had always had eyes only

beauty. She planted her hand behind Nicholas' neck and said, "I was planning to retire to my chamber," she whis

nd to. "I am sorry, Tania, dear," he said, gently taking her hand off his neck to rub i

id not

ip closer to his side. "No time to

. Of course, the bastard wanted him to be with Tania for his bloody case. But to be with Tania meant potentially missing the b

of giving in as Ta

dy h

he ball before it ends," Ralp

have been complaining of some nature of ache

ania chuckled sexily. "They do under

efore he and Ralph left th

of his chair by Tania to exit the

eeded his help with the case a

n could provide m

trousers could


f containing all her thoughts to her

dle to wait for answers to be fed to her t

s, she h

e one who brought her into this world-and he

ut the woman claimed she did not know

husband's former flame was brought out. A part of Maxine felt guilty. Surely her presence was a reminder

rly loved, Maxine would always jump at every opportunity to ask. And weird,

party as though she had never ventured the estate before. But those weeks would soon be over a

ourse, was the favori

hat afternoon while she was having

eady to tell me about my real mothe

ten about how one would introduce such topic, really. And o

r stepmoth

sked the question. But Rachel was used to her

, father," she uttered stron

nt change was her age. She had demanded for the same thing

topic. What she did not expect was her stepmother slowly standing to her feet to say, "Mayhap I ought to

her gave her stepmother. His eyes

true that her father had never had to answer-or ignor

a gentle smile and a light pa

her, Eustace Theobald glared at her. "You very well

have to suffer through it again if you can

ld it make if I tell you

, pondering her thoughts. They had never re

ed with a mere un

mplete," she car

e grey eyes turn helpless. "Oh, Maxine, you

er loves me, yes, but

ought to

ot. I hurt when I see her hurt and I do no longer wish to witness it. I c

moment she saw fear flash across her father's

out the truth, but the desperation had returned. This might be the very last chance she would get from her father. She knew he was rea

ng time before he let out a heavy

ions she wanted answers to and they were all fighting inside he

ghtened. "

lize that this is the first time we are

agony and be a ta

more. "Rachel and I have been married for a few years by then, but it

ays been open to tell the story of how she managed

t expect him to provide the information. "Your mothe

hair," sh


he said, "for Rachel found out and fetched me from W

se she did and it must be the gr

, actually. I saw her in a

me coming into the wo

re was no question

re," she sai

is mar

because she had thought of many scenarios of how her parents met and this story was one of t

is her

ce completely changed as he shook


rstand, Maxine, that it is not because I wish to deprive y

ger that rose to her throat. "W

oy us should we threaten to ruin their name and that is the end

wish us to m

r off here in Theobald where you belong-here with

range for us to meet? It might be different. She might want to k

his discussion is over. I hold you to your pro

very least tell

n Willowfair and gladly handed you to me without as much as giving you a

and confused. "You are lyi

u. You are a Theobald. Your mother

offer a sharp retort when she heard


the door. "You might as well try to be cheerful for your m

ot over, father," she

"If you would allow us to present you to society, then I

ooked at her and smiled. H

at is, Maxi

hear about her real mother. Sh


st?" Maxine ask

full of wicked, unspoken things. "S

do enjoy the place," she said with a laugh.

visit me in Wickhurst so I must suffer th

brow. "Or mayhap

e not. Fr

and laughed when she saw h

u come up with

er eyes at him. "I know what you did for Ysabella and Lord Wakefield." She pointed a finge


with it, and rolled his eyes. "Those two would s

ing on her lips. "I did see

ease, let us not ta

ite a good change for the

brothers. They do not believe the photos depict

gh time for improvements, I am certain th

ink the photos

y would say that. They must have bee

a restless bun

as Everard's photo on the Herald. He

ll as well. Lord Wakefield's face seemed t

ly uttered. "It was not ink as

asped. "

ter, that all Everard brother

id that to Lord

her who happens to also be Wakefield's dearest friend. He was

with his


d. "You ought to know what they did

to their sister years before,

about Lord Ashmo

the Theobald parties, brother. I hear t

have you been playing as in the

h pride. "But then, you would have

feet. "I am quite tired. Wickhurst had drained the life o

have your respite. I shall see you when you

im to the door of the drawing r

She had been hoping Sa

r had a life s

had none


once more to be living with her brother. Their eldest, Gabriel, rarely visited for his wife would most often not

the aft

Not once did she share with Samuel the talk she had with their father about her mother for she knew Samuel's sentiments about the woman. She cho

ut he did write for the politics section which could prove to be dangerous as well.

brother's life-of why he left Theobald

of course, w

for the one thing that he could be proud of in his life, the one thing that he h

e climbed into his carriage to drive back to Wickhurst.

for anyone to

if the woman who brought her into this world had ever wondered of how li

h to you in Will

thout as much as gi

Did she truly

he change

to reach out but

her like Maxine had been s

rm inside her head as she stared at

an who later turned out to be her husband in her corridors. Sinc

Theobald-nothing significant that Maxine

their lives, Maxine had been

th, considering the consequences of th

r, she walked up to the mirror an

nt?" her reflec

do yo


k lat

ed at herself

k at her, daring her to d

er long, black mane over one shoulder. She positioned the

s followed by a l

long strands in he

ell, she

or, she finished her task, although i

ne enough damage, she stare

ows, and same square jaw. But all in

o do, she thought, ruffling her now short h

irt under her breeches and turned away fr

from under her bed a

ag over one shoulder, she went to her

st Sa

o follow a frien

d my way back. I am not certa

his and now I found t

low me th

to fi

dy Theobald that I shall take care of

e you



turned away to

r bedpost from across the room ou

eyes and prayed

own. She was use

carefully climbed out of he

e to leave

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