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The Ghost Ship

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 568    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

, the cold wind round every street-corner, the sad faces of the men and women on the pavements, combined to create an atmosphere of ineloquent misery. Eustace was sensitive to i

aces of disillusioned men? The wind blew down Southampton Street, and chilled Eustace to a shiver that passed away in a shudder of di

impatiently. The blueness of the fingers that offered him the paper was alone sufficient to make him disincl

llowing him, "you have not lo

y are I do no

find life interesting if you do not lie in wait for the unexpected. As a

ith cold, but his eyes were bright with intelligence and his speech was that of an educated man. It seemed to Eustace t

y pleasure I will take one of your bills; though if you argue with all your

the handbills while he spoke, "and I'm sure you will not regret taking

ehended its significance, he gave a low whistle of astonishment. "You will soon be warning a coffin!" it re

d was growing colder, and the lamps were beginning to shine out in the greying st

us amusement. The sound of his footsteps on

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