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More than Roses

Chapter 4 Vanessa

Word Count: 1978    |    Released on: 23/10/2023

r stepmother would have to drive her back to school. While Vanessa would have preferred taking the bus, she knew her dad wouldn't allow it. She had always longed for her own car,

s to go, she dreamed of o

ed about Vanessa's previous year, to which she replied with a simple "fine." Vanessa plugged in her earphones, drowning out the rest of

her room. Her roommate hadn't returned and hadn't responded to any calls. Vanessa hoped she was alright. D

miliar. Tall, ancient trees formed a canopy overhead, casting dappled shadows across her path. Sunlight streamed through the leaves, pain

emories of lectures, exams, and late-night study sessions flooded her mind. Vanessa had

d forward to the adventures that the new academic year would surely bring. . She had a strong desire to see him again. She remembered the smile on his face when she had asked him to be her tutor. They had agreed on terms and scheduled their first meeting. That was the longest conversation they'd ever had.Vanessa n

ng to engage Marvin in any form of personal conversation. She attempted to strike up discussions about their hobbies,

d to get to know Marvin on a deeper level, to uncover the layers of the person behind the tutor.

, wondering why he was so determined to keep their conversations academic and devoid of personal touch. Her disappointment grew, and Vanessa couldn't help but wonder if Marvin held a particular reason for his reserved demeanor. She questioned

own, something she had rarely done since arriving. The small town surrounding the prestigious university seemed eerily quiet and remote.

s ago. Various stories circulated about her fate, from kidnapping to murder, but the truth remain

She didn't particularly want coffee but craved a bagel and a bottle of water. As she walked to the counter, Vanessa re

essa walk in but choose not to acknowledge her? She hesitated to approach him; the uncertainty of his reaction held her

walked out of the coffee shop, leaving Marvin behind without any acknowledgment of her presence

rassment. She had called out Marvin's name with a hopeful tone, expecting at least a friendly greeting. Instead, he had merely glanced at

about seeing Marvin again, and she had hoped their paths would cross in a more meaningful way. Yet, t

rstand why Marvin had acted so indifferently. Was it something she had done or said during their previous

Marvin, her imagination weaving a romantic narrative around their encounters. Now, the stark reality of his cold rea

on. Vanessa refused to let this encounter define her relationship with Marvin. She had been drawn to him for r

e barriers he had erected, and to find out if there was a chance for something more meaningful between them. She knew it wouldn't

rtment, sadness engulfed her. How could he treat her as if they were total strangers? Vanessa resolved to forget about him, though she knew it would be impossible. Marvin had captured her heart

ith a few sips of water. Her thoughts were consumed by Marvin, and she couldn't shake the image of the girl he had been with. She had seen the girl's face before but couldn't place it. Vanessa

on the awkward encounter with Marvin earlier at the coffee shop. It felt like a co

at the wrong door. But the knocks continued, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment.Reluctantly, Vanessa pushed herself up from her bed, struggling to shake off the remnants of sleep tha

tiled floor. Vanessa couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and vulnerability. The dim light

d, considering whether it might be a friend, a neighbor, or someone with less than honorable intentions. She

the door just a crack, allowing only a sliver of light to spill into the hallw

e. Vanessa couldn't make out any details in the dim light, and her

d then a deep, familiar voice res

sent a surge of mixed emotions through Vanessa, a combination of curiosity and trepidation. She o

is gaze. The late-night encounter with him, on the heels of their awkward coffee shop encounter, only

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