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Chapter 2 TWO…

Word Count: 1863    |    Released on: 24/10/2023

ne of the vacant chairs. It has been one of a hectic day and she was glad it

oy she met at the park earlier and sh

she also sat on the chair opposite Aurora. They were both f

little boy at the park today"

little boy?it's like this hospital ha

grow old and die in this hospital Aurora because we can't even live our lives how we wan

clothes. She hadn't even removed a button of her blouse when the door flung

grily as she banged her locker close and Aurora could only roll he

lp but ask the head nurse, why would so many doctors come to attend to only one patient. " He is a brain patient" the head nurse whispered and Aurora's heart broke on hearing the news, he was just a child and yet he was already suffering so much. They were still standing

ed to her but she shrugged be

se replied again, " he is this hospital's VVIP but he never brings his son here, I d

e cheerful boy she met at the park earlier that was fighting for his life right now on the hospital b

asked again, searching through the crowd of

pot" head n


h having fun at the amusement park when Liam suddenly had a seizure and he had to rush him to the hospit

trying to save his son, he felt suffocated inside and that was wh

tycoon Malcolm Hart?" Danny

disbelief, her eyes wide ope

ck to the boy on the bed, she was very worried about him. Almost

heaved a sigh realizing they both have been h

Malcolm said sincerely as the

fice Mr Hart”he replied and

Didn't you hear the doctor?" Danny asked, cutting into her reverie and she jolte

lied before walking off t


seven years old but he had already achieved a lot including being the best surgeon in the country and Liam's case was special

ly lowering himself on his chair as he removed his

n its last stage and he can't move about like he wants neither can we be careless a

leep in the hospital tonight. He wanted to say something when the office door creaked and Aurora en

in her angelic voice. " Yes, this i

d" Adrian added, tur

is stay here". At the mention of his son, Malcom turned

ft reply and the two medical

do you

e any chances with my son, assign someone

happened that morning and she couldn't blame him when sh

up, " I understand you have a bad impression about me sir b

seeing how his father was outrightly refusing it, she felt bad. M

s to him. I am entrusting him to you and I hope I won't be disappointed" he added before walkin

like he was a different man each time. " What happened?" Adrian asked, jolting he

fore picking up

Aurora, we can't afford

best" she answered sincerely b

something, he didn't look like he was in pain or anything. Rather, he looked like he was already used to this. She just couldn't believe how much he was suffering and still

ide him, she said a silent pray

xcitedly as she entered the office

o call her?. " Unique eyes?" She asked, smili

lier so I decided to call you that an

rst person to tell her about her eyes but it f

s hand over hers and she got surprised for a moment, they just met today and he was alread

fore turning to his papa who had an expressionless l

". Malcolm was short of words, how come his son was

leave your son to me" Aurora said, turning to him, hoping to

be back soon" he added before k

pa" Liam beamed befo

ched hers for an answer and she nodded, smiling at him. M

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