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Chapter 4 FOUR…

Word Count: 1635    |    Released on: 24/10/2023

with a sorry look on her face while

an authoritative voice and Aurora could only look at her apologetically, it w

the traffic was really bad"

cation, we also tried calling you but to no avail". " I will check on him now"

alked towards Liam's room, she knew his fathe

king the sign of the cross, she held the handle and pushed the d

d excitedly as his lips cu

t his bubbly behavior but deep inside of her, she could feel shi

traffic" she apologized

ve to feed me my breakfast and medic

has not eaten". She glanced at the man sitting casually on the sofa a

really s

thing he said before he walked out of the ro

eally angered him this time, I am really sorry" Nurse Aurora added as s

r you, now you should fee

ed smiling as she bega


istening to the chuckles coming from his

er nurse and not even his own father. He couldn't help but be mad, his first impression of her was absolutely right….. careless. His musing was interrupted by the sound of the door and he saw her wa

know when she started apologizing but she knew that was the only thing that could save her right now, if thi

?" He growled softly, his eyes n

m" she couldn't stop herself from gulping, how t

She couldn't help but step three paces away from him, did he have to be so terrifying

ed as he knelt in front of his son, immediately his dominating aur

or coming late papa but it is really not her f

ike his father," she has said it more than three ti

s much more understanding than his father but she couldn't because even

m the ground to enter the room while little Liam gave Aurora a thumbs up before his papa entere

sat down on the space on the bed but he had a

to remove your IV by yourself?" He

ame late and she even tried to explain to you papa". Malcolm raised his

han me now Liam?" He asked like

nd Malcolm smiled, he didn't want to even believe that his so

ll stay with you today champ" he answered as he ruffled his ha

e Aurora is here and moreover y

echless, how was he so thoughtfu

dule, I don't want to

was true that he had an important meeting that morning but part of him

I can also take care of myself. Moreover, I have my p

ntil you get back" Aurora spoke from the door as she ent

iled widely, he just mentioned it in t

smiling at him. " Let's talk outside" Malcolm Int

I will b

eplaced with that cold look again

the office and like you said do

ldn't eat too many sweet things," he a

her and she jolted seeing D

oing tha

?" She asked raising one of her brows

nny, watch what you say and what

a VIP patient t

op being a gossip Danny"

everything later" Danny wh

nside now,I need to leave for work" a cold voice spoke behind h

mouthed before ente

lcolm finally left the safety of his son

our way back papa" he called t

m. " You should tell me everything about you so I will know what and what I am allo

hanged". " Sure" he beamed and she couldn't s

she whispered

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