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The Gloved Hand


Word Count: 1559    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

back to the car. I climbed silently into my seat, while Godfrey started the motor. Then we rol

I had got out, handed me my suit-case, and then dro

e house-door, switched on t

e hall at the top. "This is it," he added, and switched on the lights here also. "The bath-room is right

e woods-how different it was from the odour of dirty asphalt! But I was in no mood to linger there-I wanted an explanation of that strange light and of tho

ing-room. A tray containing some cold meat, bread and butter, cheese, and a few o

t here. I've got an old couple to look after the place-Mr. and Mrs. Hargis. Mrs. Hargis is an excellent cook-but to ask her to stay awake till midnight would be fiendish cruelty. So she lea

ntent with the world, "I've got my

shelf and sat down opposite me. A moment later

g at him, "go ahead a

ke-ring whirl and bre

ater, at exactly the same time, I saw it again. I watched for it the next night, and again saw it-just for an instant, you understand, as it formed high in the air and started downward. The next night I was up a tree and saw more of it;

I said, for I had begun to thin


ing in

ng on a very su

ed. "Why should that light descend eve

've got four clear days ahead of you-and I'll be at you

t it," I persisted. "At least you know wh

longs to a man named Worthingt

ok my

er with one daughter. His wife died about ten years ago, and since then he has been a sort of recluse, and has the reputation of being queer. He has been abroad a good deal, and it is only during the last year that he has l

o you

wasn't admitted. Mr. Vaughan was engaged. Getting r


asked, at last. "If it is, it's

what is it?" Godfrey retorte

easonable enough when put dimly to oneself, become

If it is, it is done for some purpose. Two men don't go out on a roof every night at midni

there stationary for a moment, gradually grew brighter, and then started to descend. It didn't fall, it came down slowly, and at an even rate of speed. And it didn't drift away before the breeze, as it would have don

ed thoughtfu

supernatural. I don't believe in the supernatural. Especially I don't believe that any two mortals could arrange wit

uppose that two men would go out on the roof every night to watch a Roma

investigating on your own account before I tell you what it is. It's time we went to bed. Don't get up in the morning till you're ready to. Probably I'll not see you till n

e one, and that, at heart, he was deeply serious. Evidently, the strange star h

ration. As I lay there the second time, staring up into the darkness and telling myself I was a fool, there came a sudden rush of wind among the trees outside; then a vivid flash of lightning and an instant rending crash of thunder, and then a steady downpour of rain. I could guess how the gasping city w

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