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The Golden Scorpion


Word Count: 997    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ttle dispensary tapping his teet

time when he gave you the envelope-did t

onsulting hours and I was at supper, I r

be in he

e else was

cut out the piece of cardboard from the

uld be his object? And w

room that he asked you to t


peep at the co

nly, In

in which Stuart saw his patients. Dunbar looked slowly about him, standing in the mid

e gave you the envelop

replied Stuart


light it when s

into the study to seal

ame along and wi

Scotland Yard, doctor, and this case looks like being another for which somebody

of the book and f

written-a"-he ticked off the points on his fingers: "what I believe to be the name of the man who cut out the cardboard and sealed it in an envelope; b: the name of the cabman; and

the study and you shall see me do as you direct. I may

f paper, sealed the lapel and locked the envelope in the same

y to this drawer." he said. "Are

ough my information is worth more than

kness increases. Why should anyone have aske

g a report from Sowerby. Look after yourself, sir. I'm inclined to think you

e glance of t

Inspector? Why sho

isoner, as the chief seems to think, there's really only one ma

ly-trimmed privet above which at intervals arose the mop crowns of dwarf acacias. A spell of warm weather seemed at last to have begun, and clouds of gnat

to some work which th

had int

ntemplation of the squalor through which his steps led him he sought forgetfulness of the Scorpion problem-and of the dark eyes of Ml

il it had proceeded some distance ahead of him. Then its slow progress so near to the pa

ng out of the window a

e had attracted his attention, the girl extended a white-gloved hand from the window and dropped a note upon the edge of the pav

, and he recognized pursuit to be out of the question. The streets were almost deserted at the moment, and no one apparently had witnessed the

s at night. Do not

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