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Chapter 3 THREE

Word Count: 2637    |    Released on: 26/10/2023

difficult being taken seriously as a woman in her field. And she was young, another thing she'd had to overcome. A curvy red-haired woman who was young and attractiv

ate she now had to navigate around how yet another person would react to her choices. It was hard enough dealing with her mother who never stopp

ario. She wondered if he was upset or hurt by her running off. She didn't want this. She wanted her old life where she was

hed their lives change in revolutionary ways. Was she ready for that? Did she even want to be? Was she ready for the lev

d, she slammed a palm ag

te within her, needing release. Maybe she could think of a way around this mess if

hings in the wheel well and went to the tree line to shed her clothing. The scent of the wil

nd vivid. The scent of her surroundings painted the air-the moss on the trees, the mushrooms in t

he world was suddenly right again. There, covered in a pel



lf and even had showed up at her place, and there was no sign of her. Her scent, now their

the tri-bond, and each hour that passed without it happening put her in danger and made her less rational. Sh

dam, who told him where Tia lived a

d supportive of the bond. He was less happy to hear about Layla'

male werewolf, the mate bond was the ultimate commitment. Her needs were par

ny idea where

y Alpha and her brother, has a big house on a

k to my hotel? I'll need an anchor and I

with someone I've...had sex with. Do you have any other cousins or f

hane please. He's on break from school visiting Aunt Jennifer down in Portland. I j

or their cousin Shane to meet them

to where she thought Layla may

deal. I'm going to take you down this back road here to see if her car is a

He meant to bring her back and m

car. "There's her car right t

me, I'm going up to that house an

, Sid. She's a good person. Strong. Her

'll be gentle. And yeah, I


g his wolf surface. Nose up in the breeze, he caught her scent, spicy and r

t. A lot. Realized that all her reasons, well, most of them anyway, for resisting the mate bond were work-related. And she realized she didn't want her life to be

of Layla's normal behavior pattern. Her grasp on things became more

the tri-bond, worry that he'd be angry at her and not want her

t even sense his approach until he pounce

growled, a mixture of comfort and warning. She drew in a breath and scented him. Her

So large and majestic. The most beautiful wolf she'd ever seen. Reaching in, she rubbe

have her and mark her as a wolf as well as a man overwhelmed her. After, they l

transformed, human e

k and soft. Putting her arms around his neck, she hugged him tight and breat

hard as he transformed back and held her with human arms. "

t like he'd come home in her taste. The way her hands felt as they sl

come back with me? To any place with a bed? We can talk afterward. We'

fraid you wouldn't want me anymore.

been crazy without you. I'm not angry. I was worried, yes. And I'd have brought you

ere and we're going to get through this together. From now on, we'll take

ing their burdens instead of shouldering them all himself-

lp her up and they changed again to

otel and they practic

lothes and tossed them aside. A sense of deep rightness followed when his ended up with hers in the sam

with me, I'

ghty grin. "I like you d

uld share the hot water with her. His hands slapped hers out of t

er when you're finished." "As long as you

ed around his cock and began to s

om the root of him, over the crown and head, and as the other followed to make the same path the seeds

es. This beautiful, vibrant woman gave herself to him, mad

hung by a thread. Knowing he'd have to share her, even for something as natural and nec

r up. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she t

see." Sid tossed her on the be

em to have a li

now I bring the goods i

im. "Come on then. Do me b

many summers with us when I was growing up. My brothers are all much older than I am, Shane was one of my only other cousins who was near to my age. I trust him with my life, god knows he and I got into enough trouble as teenagers. His mom is human, his dad is a werewolf. He didn't really grow u

and rained kisses on his neck and over his chest. "Okay.

ore irrational than I normally am. But you know, I'd rat

don't relish the idea of you being with anyone else either. But it's our reality and what we need to do to keep you safe if something should ha

his skin as she kissed and licked over his stomach. Sh

l. "You're suddenly so important to me. Three days a

ke that." Moving down further, she licked the he

a guy could get

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