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Chapter 4 Red Polkadot

Word Count: 1758    |    Released on: 06/11/2023

training?" Cyprian asked i

ast our bedtime but we couldn't sleep from excitement, "Mayb

not being able to get some sleep?" Cypri

ountered. I held myself from laughing out,so Cypr

. You weren't supposed

ven my mom's hair colour she had to be a foreigner but it probably puzzled them how she got here even I didn't know that. On the other hand, my case wasn't one they could comprehend. I obviously resembled my mom even though we barely had noticable features that looked alike. Mom had silver white hair with blue eyes, I had auburn hair with green eyes, other than this very noticeable differences between us I took on nearly everything she had. People found my hair and eyes colour weird some said that my dad must be human, while others just nicknamed me Witches' eye. Now

d to get some sleep for tomor

e warrior should be able to let go of this luxury called sleep," he said proudly like he had just

warriors yet?" Colette huffed as she covered her hea

ch by the way need to be nurtured and taking adequate care of," I yawned.

e just coward

ed his last remark. We needed sleep t

n on striking first. I got up from my bed and went over to open the door. They were soldiers of Gamma ranks, the

giving them the chance to react, I quickly unsheathed a sword from one of the army officers' sheath. I charged towards the soldiers who were in charge of the olive skinned man, this was not his mess to fix. He was only going to be used as their alibi, Aldous was going to get rid of me sooner or later. I froze his chain and he quickly broke out of it and attacked the soldiers around him while I forced on the ones in front of me and the ones on the horses. They were strong but not as strong as I was, I was to be the next Alpha. We began to fight, fighting off three at the same time with others charging towards me. I used my misty breath and froze the ones running towards me. I slid under the ones I was fighting and headed to the ones I froze and broke them in the ice. Four down, four more to go. The three soldiers I was fighting previously

e ran away muttering a thank you and a sorry which he probably said because he had judge I and my daughter wrongly too. I quickly ended the other two, leaving who seemed like their leader behind. He flamed up his sword and I iced up mine, our swords crashing and clinking.

ly freezing him, I had entered my second stage of transformation - therianthropy. In this form, I still looked human but my tail was out and my ears as well. My canines as evident as you could imagine and white

n the line of my hands consolidated. I picked it up still in that position and moved my hands rapidly in upward and downward motion creating huge wave like chains of sharp snow,

wondered what the aim of fighting was even if I killed a hundred of them, Aldous wouldn't stop until he killed me. I turned to go, I heard som e movement, turning back, I felt a sharp pain in my guts as red stained the snow

aced with silver, entering so deep, my chances of survival was little. I sent another ice pillar through his neck this time as I fell to the snowy ground. My fear was not dying, my fear w

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