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River Of Anew: Farming In Another World

Chapter 8 The Skill

Word Count: 1069    |    Released on: 28/10/2023

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off of the ground to see the area. It seemed that he was out for a whole day because his plants once again grew considerably a

to see what he felt, he was shocked. The ant which had previously bitten him was using th

umb from the previous bite, he didn't even notice the ant. But now that he knew it was there, he

essure on his wrist to prevent him from pulling back. Foin was horrified; he didn't know what

or bite him again, but instead, it shook its head, stepped off of his hand

gh he still had stones and sticks, they were out of his current reach, and the ant was too close for him to get there in time if it wanted

.. So that is

him leave as it was full. This was the most logical conclusion he could com

ed its head against his leg. Upon feeling the ant's touch, Foin came back to reality a

s! You have tam

a Black

ieve that he had managed to tame this black ant using only food. Foin let out a loud sigh. Although the system stated that the ant was

ather some m

g, but he needed to try whether it would work. And just as he spoke, the ant nodded and walked away, leavi

, despite not doing anything the day before, only being knocked out, he was hungrier than ever before. He careful

Also, other than its size and number of yields, Foin also noticed that it had a rich and stronger flavour. So ev

new plants. As he was finished and his hunger was satisfied, he opened his m

quickly harvested two extra peppers to see wha

ed Experience Points increased! All Stats have

ress, and as a result, you are given a reward

one was called Fertilizer, the second one was call

two could be extremely useful. Looking at the first, the one called Fertilizer, although he was unable to grasp

der understanding of the things around him. As for the Gatherer, no matter ho

r how he looked at the skills, he couldn't decide which he wou

than grow more, which he could do in due time anyway. Also, later, he realised that even if h

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