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Pregnant by the CEO Ruan and Luna

Chapter 3 3 New Lawyers

Word Count: 1967    |    Released on: 07/11/2023

ather advised me to see a gynecologist to take care of my health and not get pregnant and I agreed and he told me what my mother trusted, they always left everything r

e, as soon as they got married they spent their honeymoon there and I soon came into the world , get very emotional, after a nice weekend we left for home to leave our things organized for wo

us?_ Matheus asks

who are since we live here dear

in this building and apparently on the s

d we always receive visitors from both sexe

here a lot of men at your ho

e and Jajá they will know about our fame_ I sai

ys are toxic, right? Luíz

where is your apartment?_ Ruan says

s? I said, op

that we're going to watch t

now we have to prepare our work things, tomorrow we pick up ea

you can come over for dinner here at the house_ I kissed

was to mark their territory and we burst out laughing again, I dated Ruan for a bit and told him the conversation I had with my fathe


here our office would be and the people who would work with us, then the owner introduced us to their partners and we continued with some cases that they had already separated for us, I went to the forum three times today solving one problem after another, I had my time and I was still studying a case, Luíza came to a

to do today, how was y

noon, look, is it just me or are those boys and Luíza there?,

wn, I'm starving and I hope they don't make fun of

and talk cute, that's all I want, they saw us and turned away,

friends are coming here, now I w

we were talking and the beauties came

ght _ Ruan says a

good night _ Kaio sa

you were here, who are these?_ Matheus

, good night _ Luca

ou turned your back on us just now, stay there with yo

you have to listen to them_

nyone's doormat to take orders, did we disturb your dinner?,

u, have a nice dinner, when you get home, please let me know a

heus says awkwardly

Kaio says irritably

ealousy, but did they seriously turn thei

razy, but let's get to the point, did they

ully, will you live with the boys an

is already finishing the renovation, you guys are awesome, you got two i

d, so how was work toda

t to the owner's son's room, Bruna's is next to the partner's son's room and the boys will take o

ly, we got home we put our things away, I went to my room and came face to face with Ruan lying on the bed, I took

ounced and grabbed Kaio from my bed? How do you explain a ha

too happy to be in a bad mood, tomorrow I'll just catch up

the afternoon too, in the morning I'm going to my mother's and t

and going to your table and secondly for being here in your

them, you don't have to apologiz

d let me watch my film in peace, and Matheus talked another tim

on't serve it to you _ Br

vited us they had to know, after all this is their apartment too

cially for the restaurant and now the inv

íza had already gone to bed because she goe

er and a mother, I said that I wanted to make our deal official or at least

she will take you to them or find her in a neutra

lking to our friends to see if they would help us with some work br

lous, and I really want to make our love thing official, even without k

the world that you're together and if it's not for you to separate for goo

the movie we went

ous with me?_ Ruan asks

etrayals?_ I

her we will come close and say hello to each other, even if we are in a work m

out of my life, see? Now let's go to

lly together and now we know who we are to each o

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