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Silent Emotions

Chapter 4 The triumph of a dream

Word Count: 911    |    Released on: 29/10/2023

ed to excel both academically and athletically, leaving an indelible mark on everyone who knew him. His accom

ary. He consistently achieved the highest grades in his class, earning the title of "A+ student"

d in various athletic events, from track and field to basketball, consistently outperforming his peers. Hi

he results for the national high school exams were released, the entire country was left in awe. Caleb had not

attended by dignitaries, educators, and fellow students who wanted to celebrate the remarkable journey of a young boy w

ni had been awarded a full scholarship to study Business Management and Finance at none other than Harvard University in the Un

s heart, a dream that had seemed so distant when he was abandoned in that drainage years ago. Now, it wa

aleb's journey from the beginning, from that fateful day when they rescued him from the drainage to this moment

y come to love Caleb as her own son but had become one of his most ardent supporters. She realized that Caleb's pr

d a banquet fit for royalty, inviting friends, family, and well-wishers from near and far. The event would not

. Caleb was surrounded by a sea of love and support from the people who had come

een him overcome challenges that would have broken most people. He's not just an exceptional stude

gize to you, Caleb," she said, her voice trembling. "I was wrong to doubt you, and I regret the way I treated you when you first came

ng his hands in sign language as one of his former teachers interpreted, his eyes glistening with tears. "Without your love and support, I wo

saka to Harvard University in the United States was a testament to the power of determination, love, and the un

ort of those who believed in you. And as he prepared to leave for the United States, he knew that his journey was

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