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Dancing In the Rain

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1282    |    Released on: 30/10/2023

s Persp

te Puma exercise ensemble, complete with a sports bra and shorts, and topped off the look with matching trainers.

nana. I knew I needed some energy for the session ahead. With my snack sorted, I snatched

dy for the more intense exercises to come. Twenty minutes on the stai

ious effort to give extra attention to my glutes while easing up on my arms and back e

split position, my phone rang and I answered the

w are you doing this fine morn

ou? Is everything alright?"- I replied sof

from my handsome, hot, dark-skinned Zeus, we had breakfast together and I

deserve the best."- I spoke si

she answered, bea

soon". I went to the bathroom and showered before doing my regime

recalling all the lessons that I had for the day - 4 classes, 2 hours lasts each of them. After wor

y greeted the security, wh

rushed my hair once more before tying it in a neat bun, securing it with bobby pins. Then I

rustratedly, realizing I need

m to be comfortable and fit you right. I sat down on the floor and got to work, doing the all too familia

e pointe shoes, wiggling my feet

still have such gorgeous feet inspite dancing fo

I replied soft

reception and I checked all the paperwork and sala

I went to the reception to gi

."- said a familiar sweet

I replied warmly, crouc

- I said profoundly a

n?"- I wondered softly, gigg

ty, deep voice that had a different tune to it

reciated."- I spoke gen

I will help you with the bun."- I said warmly and

urs, honey."- said Mr Dixon

e hugs and heartwarming I love you. I have never felt this way: t

ocker, where she could keep her bag, coat, and other necessities

the most luxurious, and greatest school of ballet. It is very hard to get in, but everyo

m her. I gently took off the bobby pins, letting her chocolate brown, long, velvety hair loose. I lightly brush

, Miss James?"- asked Za

a smile, meeting her precio

allet?"- she wondered cutel

- your age."- I calmly answered, tucking str

adorably, playing with

"- I said warmly and she smil

, Miss James."- repl

ly, offering her my hand so

waited for other girls an

eacher. If you have any questions or concerns, you are always welcom

id my best to remember all 13 names. Soon I began the class. We began

ually start with dancing at the age of 8 at least. With little ones, I w

ised them for their wonderfu

ly, helping out and practicing with them personally, expl

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