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Mated To Four Alphas

Chapter 2 II

Word Count: 2581    |    Released on: 01/11/2023

ore my eyes, as if slipping out of focus. I felt a force pulling me downward, my body succumbing to a state of shutdown. Waves of excruciating pain surged through me, striking mercil

ention, rendering everything else a blur. It had been ages since I last experienced an attack of this magnitude, not since my arrival in this place. But this

ed towards me, but the words that followed were mere whispers in my ears. Doctor Gandor's voice, callin

lled with concern. Doctor Gandor's authoritative tone cut through th

nty, "I'm not sure, sir. She was perfec

ed sounds escaping my own mouth, as if groans and grunts fought their way out from within me. Stro

shining in my eyes abruptly vanished, revealing Doctor Gandor's pale face hovering in fro

gently placing me onto a new, elevated surface. Despite their efforts, my limbs continued t

ance, to release my frustration into the heavens, I struggled to form coherent thoughts or u

uppressing any movement my body yearned to make. As the wheels of the gurney set into motion, propelling me

zed upwards at the ceiling tiles gliding past in a blurry haze. The sigh

Tension hung heavy in the confined space, broken only by the unsettling rustling of

nmistakably feminine. Yet, in the midst of the chaos and

ce, a mere murmur, was quickly hushed by another presence in the room. Once again, Doct

mpassion. Yet, even as he spoke, I could feel myself slipping away. I clung to consciousness desperately, clinging onto it like a fragile l

death's icy grasp just yet. Defying the relentless muscle spasms that wracked my body, I clenched my fists tightly, summoning every ounce of willpower within me. I

less hallway. This one was stark white, a color I recognized from my previous visits to this sterile environment.

ming darkness that finally engulfed me. I drifted aimlessly, adrift in a vast sea of obscurity where pain ceased to exist. There was no good, but there was no

n of choking. Then, darkness once again descended, wrapping its comforting shroud around me. In that moment, I clung to the tranquility of the ebony

, and a primal scream erupted from the depths of my being. "Isabella! No!" Doctor Gandor's harsh cry pierced through the cacophony, drawing my attention towards him. He lunged towards me, a needle clutched tightly in his hand.

eone exclaimed, their voice filled with

ant in our monitoring," another voice c

e been any more diligent. We rushed to her side as swiftly as possi

twice as frequently. We're entering a critical phase," Doctor Gandor's voic

my heart. Doctor Gandor had been leading the team of doctors attending to me since the very first day I arrived here. Despite the scientific nature of my presence, I

conversation around me immediately ceased, and when I finally open

e smile, though a hint of weariness lingered in h

t," someone expressed, their voice fi

craping against my throat. I forced myself to swallow,

hot, spoke gently. Today, the bags under his eyes seemed particularly pronounced. "Hey now, there's

uckle, only to be met wi

to rest a bit more. We've managed to stabilize your levels, but your body still needs time to recuperate," Doctor Ga

avenous drip, and within moments, the concoction of

only sounds that permeated the air were the steady beeps of a heart rate monito

ng served as a constant reminder of the strain I had endured. Propped up on a hospital bed, a thin sheet enveloping me, and clad in a clinical gown, I su

d her head into the room. With an exclamation of delight, she greeted me as if I had accomplished something far more remarkable than merely openi

eart?" Andrea inquired, her vo

to utter, my voic

d, lifting a plastic cup adorned with a secure lid and a straw from the counter. Within it, a translucent pinkish liquid swirle

fore turning to depart. "Andrea?" I called out, halting her in her tracks.

en making such progress," I inquired, my voi

or setback, my dear. You've made extraordinary strides, and it's important that you don't let this discourag

couldn't be as straightforward as she portrayed it. I had come peri

t unable to shake the lingering questions that plagued my mind. Howe

ioning 'it' in the elevator. What did you mean? What was hap

and emitted a rueful laugh. "Oh, my dear. It was nothing, sweetheart. I didn't mean anything by it. I was merely concerned for you. If I had known you could hear me, I wouldn't have uttered a word. The last thing

ered my head, breaking away from her warm and gentle caress. "Tha

t it was a frightening experience, but it was merely a minor setback. Doctor Gandor assures us that everything is back on track now. I'll retrieve him,

brought the straw to my lips. With a delicate sip, the sweetness of the liqu

ven my own mother. Yet, a flicker of unease settled within the depths of my belly as I recollected the expression that had mirrored on Andrea's face. It appeared almost... fearful. Had I been teetering on the precipice of death, far nearer than

andor's familiar face peering through the crack. Instantly, the smile that adorned his features acted as a balm to my unset

uine delight. "We have successfully steered you back onto the path of recover

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