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1 Chapter 1 A Hidden Marriage,The Unveiled Truth2 Chapter 2 The Special Assistant's Advice3 Chapter 3 Unveiling Secrets and Unexpected Calls4 Chapter 4 Stand Up And Protect 5 Chapter 5 Gifts And Misunderstandings6 Chapter 6 Unwelcome Surprises 7 Chapter 7 Betrayal And Dignity 8 Chapter 8 Unexpected Encounters9 Chapter 9 Late-Night Intrusion and Awkward Encounters10 Chapter 10 Unraveling Tensions 11 Chapter 11 Truth or Dare Unleashes Secrets12 Chapter 12 Unraveling Secrets 13 Chapter 13 Unveiling Shadows and Confronting Adversaries14 Chapter 14 Defending Her Reputation 15 Chapter 15 Unexpected Message 16 Chapter 16 Unexpected Messages And Unwavering Friendship 17 Chapter 17 Resilience in the Rain: Facing Heartbreak and Embracing Opportunity18 Chapter 18 Unexpected Divorce Discussion 19 Chapter 19 Unexpected Intrusions 20 Chapter 20 Caught In The Shadows 21 Chapter 21 Scenic Impressions And Business Aspirations 22 Chapter 22 Rescue in the Mountains: A Heroic Act of Sacrifice23 Chapter 23 A Healing Touch and Unspoken Fears24 Chapter 24 Chilled Tensions25 Chapter 25 Unexpected Encounters In The Rain26 Chapter 26 Shadows in the Night: A Fateful Encounter27 Chapter 27 Late-Night Confessions and Grandma's Love28 Chapter 28 Late-Night Confessions and Unexpected Apologies29 Chapter 29 Unraveling Betrayal 30 Chapter 30 Unspoken Feelings31 Chapter 31 Unexpected Reunion and New Beginnings32 Chapter 32 Barbecue Cravings and Changing Visions33 Chapter 33 A Chance Encounter at the Barbecue Stand34 Chapter 34 Unexpected Encounters and Spicy Moments35 Chapter 35 Protective Bonds36 Chapter 36 Unexpected Divorce: Unraveling Secrets37 Chapter 37 Beauty and Disagreements: The Divorce Dilemma38 Chapter 38 The Divorce Deal39 Chapter 39 Unraveling Loyalties: The Intriguing Encounter40 Chapter 40 Temptations and Tensions: The Night of Revelation 41 Chapter 41 Close Calls and Unexpected Conversations42 Chapter 42 A Night of Unexpected Connection43 Chapter 43 Unexpected Morning Encounters44 Chapter 44 Cooking Up Controversy45 Chapter 45 Unexpected Reunions and Misunderstandings46 Chapter 46 Envious Hearts47 Chapter 47 Unwanted Affections and a Cold Reckoning48 Chapter 48 Jealousy and Reconciliation49 Chapter 49 Unexpected Escapade50 Chapter 50 Unveiling Secrets at the Private Gathering51 Chapter 51 Love and Questions at the Couples' Gathering52 Chapter 52 High Stakes and Late-Night Surprises53 Chapter 53 Awkward Encounters and Fragrant Gardens54 Chapter 54 Blind Dates and Bittersweet Promises55 Chapter 55 Whispers in the Night: Unveiling Secrets56 Chapter 56 Secret Bonds and Unspoken Desires57 Chapter 57 Kidnapped by Strangers58 Chapter 58 Unwanted Intrigue: A Mother's Inquisition59 Chapter 59 Power Play and Ultimatum60 Chapter 60 Birthday Revelations61 Chapter 61 Familial Estrangement and Business Affairs62 Chapter 62 A Clash of Egos at Riverton63 Chapter 63 Shadows of Fear and Secrets Unveiled64 Chapter 64 The Deceptive Game Unfolds65 Chapter 65 In the Heat of Deceit66 Chapter 66 Rescue and Recovery67 Chapter 67 Unraveling Secrets68 Chapter 68 Unwrapping Secrets69 Chapter 69 Unspoken Desires and New Beginnings70 Chapter 70 Dinner at Flavor Fusion: Chance Meetings and Surprises71 Chapter 71 Twists of Fate72 Chapter 72 Family Crisis and Unforeseen Connections73 Chapter 73 Family Betrayal and Hidden Agendas74 Chapter 74 Unmasking the Past: Cornelia's Stand75 Chapter 75 Family Reunion and a Cunning Plan76 Chapter 76 Family Bonds and Unexpected Advice77 Chapter 77 Unveiling Intentions78 Chapter 78 Unspoken Bonds and Reassurances79 Chapter 79 An Unexpected Birthday and Hidden Challenges80 Chapter 80 Family Betrayals and Resolutions81 Chapter 81 Unraveling Intrigues and Celebrations82 Chapter 82 Unexpected Encounters in Riverton83 Chapter 83 Family Ties and Unsettled Arrangements84 Chapter 84 Grandma's Visit and Unwanted Intrusions85 Chapter 85 Unexpected Concerns and Reunions86 Chapter 86 Unveiling Hidden Truths87 Chapter 87 Unexpected Connections and Unspoken Secrets88 Chapter 88 Unexpected Encounters at the Epicurean Eatery89 Chapter 89 Unexpected Revelations90 Chapter 90 Unexpected Encounters and Unspoken Desires91 Chapter 91 The Decision to Divorce92 Chapter 92 Unforeseen Encounters: A Divorce Day Surprise93 Chapter 93 Unveiling Marital Revelations94 Chapter 94 Unraveling Emotions: A Surprise Encounter95 Chapter 95 Surprising Confusion: A Misunderstood Visit96 Chapter 96 Apologies and Misunderstandings97 Chapter 97 Distance in the Dark: A Chilly Alliance98 Chapter 98 Redemption and Revelation: A Twist in the Tale99 Chapter 99 Family Bonds and Healing Hearts: A Grandmother's Resolve100 Chapter 100 Family Bonds Tested